Round 6 Call Of Duty 2: Capture The Flag
Friendly FireOff
Kill Cam
Time Played30:10
Team Kills0
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 Win|fasT.CaptainPrice -33.5 2.0 1 8 9 0 30:00
Call Of Duty 2: Bleed (pistol)
Leaving The Battlefield Early Soldiers?
# Player Score Skill Kills Deaths Suicides Team
Main Weapon
1 STATSGENWORLDPLAYER 1.0 2.0 1 0 0 0 00:00
Call Of Duty 2: Fall
2 Von Spar - trOOps 0.0 24.0 12 0 4 0 18:39 weapon_cod2_tank_main_mp
3 gfgfg 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 00:00
4 Win|fasT.Killer -24.0 0.0 0 6 6 0 21:22
Call Of Duty 2: Bleed (pistol)
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice how do ou move a tank
Von Spar - trOOps 4:0 ...
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice thanks
Von Spar - trOOps well ... move a tank
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice ok
Von Spar - trOOps hold shift for gas
Von Spar - trOOps f to get in
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice how do you shot a turent
Von Spar - trOOps mg in tank : left mouse button
Von Spar - trOOps big gun: space
Von Spar - trOOps to turn tank hold f
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice thanks
Von Spar - trOOps it follows turret then
Von Spar - trOOps to go faster in plane hold f
Von Spar - trOOps sharp turns in plane: use shift
Von Spar - trOOps ok now hold shift
Von Spar - trOOps for gas
Von Spar - trOOps =bash
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice im in a tank
Von Spar - trOOps exactly
Von Spar - trOOps well done
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice left right
Von Spar - trOOps f to steer tank
Von Spar - trOOps follows turret then
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice thans
Von Spar - trOOps np
Von Spar - trOOps lol tank driving school
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice i know
Von Spar - trOOps hehe
Win|fasT.Killer hehe
Von Spar - trOOps youre new on vehicles server?
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice ok
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice what
Von Spar - trOOps ok guys gotta go shopping
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice ok
Von Spar - trOOps maybe se you later
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice you lose
Von Spar - trOOps see*
Von Spar - trOOps :P
Win|fasT.CaptainPrice where are you
Von Spar - trOOps in a bush