Objectives |
Objective | Player | Times Achieved |
action_cod2_ctfb_defend |
5 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup_own |
3 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_returned |
2 |
action_cod2_ctfb_take |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
2 |
action_cod2_ctfb_captured |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_defend |
5 |
action_cod2_ctfb_defend |
3 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_defend |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup_own |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_defend |
3 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_defend |
{uZa}KoMan +I+
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
{uZa}KoMan +I+
2 |
action_cod2_ctfb_take |
{uZa} I_DI_EZ
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup_own |
{uZa} I_DI_EZ
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
{uZa} I_DI_EZ
2 |
action_cod2_ctfb_returned |
{uZa} I_DI_EZ
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_defend |
foaming at the mouth
2 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
foaming at the mouth
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
2 |
action_cod2_ctfb_take |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_take |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_defend |
6 |
action_cod2_ctfb_captured |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_take |
3 |
action_cod2_ctfb_defend |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_pickup |
2 |
action_cod2_ctfb_take |
1 |
action_cod2_ctfb_captured |
1 |