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Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:15 pm Post subject:
fate wrote: | Hey LE, I tried the Converter program. It works great, thanks for the tips. I am looking for a File Directory Printer, that will print out the file structures for the entire disk and I want to be able to import them into Excel. Know of anything like that? Internet searchs have revealed quite a few, but the free ones only work for the %username% directories and don't show the enitre disk. |
Sorry, but the tool I use for that isn't free (although it is cheap) called Directory Printer. It's is at http://www.galcott.com/ and works really well. You could also use the DOS TREE command. (get into DOS with the CMD command in Windows. Type TREE /a >dirlist.txt and hit ENTER. It will create a text file with all the directories listed. To get this into Excel will take a bit of editing of the dirlist.txt file, as it formats it with indents and such to make it readable as a text file but you need to strip that stuff out with a text editor (you can use Notepad, but it will be easier with NotePad++ or something a bit more powerful).
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Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:40 pm Post subject:
fate wrote: | Hey LE, I tried the Converter program. It works great, thanks for the tips. I am looking for a File Directory Printer, that will print out the file structures for the entire disk and I want to be able to import them into Excel. Know of anything like that? Internet searchs have revealed quite a few, but the free ones only work for the %username% directories and don't show the enitre disk. |
This is the one I use Fate. Hope this helps. Other cool stuff here too.
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Wed Jun 11, 2008 7:58 pm Post subject:
If you are like me you have collected a ton of bookmarks in your browser (Firefox or IE) and although you try to keep them organized in categories and cleaned up, over time sites will go down and you end up with a dead link cluttering up your bookmarks.
AM-Deadlink is a free program which will take your favorites / bookmarks (for IE, Firefox or Opera) and check them to be sure they are still active. You can then just highlight the ones that are dead and delete them in one operation.
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Wed Jun 25, 2008 6:52 pm Post subject:
A really spiffy tiny utility that allows you to move windows by Alt-Clicking anywhere inside the window (instead of having to grab the title bar) or resize a windows by Alt-Right-Clicking anywhere in a window (instead of having to find the bottom right hand corner). Based on the way most popular Linux desktops work.
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Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:49 pm Post subject:
RSS Bandit
If you haven't yet started using RSS feeds to keep up with all your favorite websites, I recommend giving it a try. There are TONS of good free / open source RSS readers out there, RSS Bandit is one that works well for me.
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Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:49 pm Post subject:
Ultra Fractal 5
Ultra Fractal 5 was released today. This is an art program that uses formula to create symmetries.
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Wed Jun 25, 2008 8:55 pm Post subject:
Looks really cool.. Thanks!
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Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:14 am Post subject:
Melloware PlacesBar Editor
Windows XP displays 5 locations in the left hand side of the Save and Load dialogs so you can quickly jump to a drive or folder. These locations are hard-coded in the registry, but you can easily change them with this spiffy free little utility.
This is also somewhat useful with Vista, as older programs still use the Windows Save/Load api call that shows the 5 locations. Newer programs written to be "Vista Aware" use whatever links are in c:\username\links. A much easier and vastly superior method.
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Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:43 pm Post subject:
This free utility will let you plug in any URL that points to a video from one of the supported video sites (Youtube, Google, etc) and it will go grab the video and save it on your local PC as a .AVI file that you can play, decompile with Blaze Media Pro, convert to .GIF, whatever you want.
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Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:50 am Post subject:
Teen Spirit
There are a lot of music players out there that organize your collections, read and update ID3 tags and download and display lyrics and album art. This is a new freeware one on the scene, and I am really impressed with it. It does just an outstanding job of organizing things, gets just tons of info about your music from last.fm, has a great player (with mini player when minimized) and just does everything you can think of.
Even has a built-in "game" that plays a few seconds of songs from your collection and times how fast you can identify it from a list of five choices.
Stupid name, but a great application.
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Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:54 am Post subject:
This is a must-have for anyone who downloads software from the internet. The program allows you to "try" out a piece of software in a protected "sandbox" environment before you actually install or run it on your computer.
When you run a setup program or any application "sandboxed", it writes all information (new files, changes to files, changes/additions to the registry etc.) to a disposable directory C:\sandbox\username on your hard drive. The program you are running is completely fooled into thinking it is writing stuff in the normal locations.
Once you have installed or run a program in the sandbox, you can view the contents of the directory with Sandboxie, and see what changes the program would have made. If you are happy with the results, fine. You empty and terminate the sandbox, and run the setup program again for real. If you find it was trying to put "scanforcreditcards.dll" into ..\system32, you just empty and terminate the sandbox and no harm has been done to your computer.
This is a free program and can be downloaded at:
Here I have installed Fraps, but instead of running the setup program normally, I right clicked it and said "Run Sandboxed". Fraps installed normally (or so it thought), but I can now view all the changes it was going to make in the Sandboxie Control Window. I can see it installed some files in the program directory, a .dll in Windows, and made some changes to the registry. However NO changes were actually made until I am happy with the result.
This is also very useful if someone sends you a link to a web site you have never been to before. (like http://www.freeupskirts.com) Run Firefox or Internet Explorer "sandboxed", and go to the web site. Now you can view the site in complete safety, knowing it can't install any funky toolbars, reset your homepage, or download any malware crap to your PC.
I make it a practice to never install anything I get from the internet (web sites, bittorrent, usenet whatever) without giving it a go in Sandboxie first. In particular, and for the love of God, never run a "keygen" or a "crack/patch" anywhere but in a sandbox.
Added Note: LOL... I put in www.freeupskirts.com as a joke, but when I click on the link, there ACTUALLY is such a site. I didn't go any further than the page that wants you to confirm how old you are, but THIS IS ONE THAT YOU WOULD WANT TO RUN SANDBOXED.
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Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:46 pm Post subject:
Thats a cool program Eagle, lets you really see what a program does and where it all goes. Usually w/ dl's and keygens etc... I just use my shell extension AV to scan it before unpack.
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Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:22 pm Post subject:
|MF|Morgoth wrote: | Thats a cool program Eagle, lets you really see what a program does and where it all goes. Usually w/ dl's and keygens etc... I just use my shell extension AV to scan it before unpack. |
I scan stuff with a right-click and "Scan with Avast" as well, but the malware boys spend half their lives figuring out how to bury stuff inside .exe's and .dll's and whatever so that it is hidden from virus scanners until you install it and now you are in reactive / ohsit mode. As far as I can tell, Sandboxie is a foolproof way to catch this stuff, as it just won't allow anything to write anywhere but in the "sandbox" directory.
The only update to the program that would be really cool would be to have it so you install using the sandbox, and if you are happy with the results you just click on "apply changes" or something and it moves everything to where the program "wanted" to put it (including additions to the registry), instead of having to re-run the installation after you have tested it.
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Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:45 pm Post subject:
Or how about making all the applications portable so nothing needs to be spread around lol.. that would be impossible though. Your option could easily work though.
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Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:49 pm Post subject:
Hey Eagle, do you know if Locate can also search within text files for strings?
Like say I have a folder and sub folders with tons of PHP files. I need to find each occurance of a specific string inside each file.
Can Locate do this or do you know of a utility that will?
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