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Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:55 pm Post subject:
Upcoming 1.0.5 Patch Notes.... LOTS of changes! |
Quote: | Folks,
So, here comes the 1.05 Combat and Careers patch. As you will see from the notes, the scope of the changes and adjustments to the careers in the game has been rather broad. The teams have been combing through our internal data as well as player feedback in making this preliminary round of changes to the game. A few things to keep in mind before posting any responses to these changes:
1) The changes laid out in these patch notes are preliminary. They are not final (nothing in an MMO is final until the game is dead) and they won't even be official until after they go through testing on our PTS.
2) If you feel your career has been dealt with unfairly, feel free of course to let us know here and but most importantly inside the game. I will not respond to every post here nor engage in endless debate about whether these changes are necessary, especially in this topic. These changes are the result not of my or any one individual at Mythic's decisions but rather what the entire team has felt will be best for the game going forward based on all our sources of data. Again, these changes are preliminary and if we made any mistakes, we will correct them.
3) With the upcoming opening of the PTS, our players will have the opportunity to help us test the latest patch before it goes LIVE. We urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to help us but to also help you as in the end, you are the guys/gals who play the game.
4) As always, we thank you for your support and patronage. I hope that these notes are another indication of how seriously we take the long-term future of WAR.
In order to prevent eyestrain, I've broken up the notes into sections to make it easier for people to find, read and digest the information without having to deal with a monstrous wall of test.
The purpose of the Public Test Server is for the players to help us refine and test the latest version of the game by participating and providing feedback and bug reports to Mythic. As such, we want to remind you that the content there is still considered in development and that bugs and issues not found on the LIVE server may occur on the PTS. All features and fixes listed below are subject to change until we release Game Update 1.0.5 to all live servers.
Game Update 1.0.5 - Public Test Server
Each career has been reviewed, and we have made many changes to improve career balance and playability. Players who belong to one of the following careers will need to speak to their trainers in order to re-train their Career Mastery abilities:
Black Orc
Bright Wizard
Shadow Warrior
Squig Herder
Players who go AFK while in Public Quest areas or during keep sieges will no longer receive contribution credit towards those encounters.
Players are now able to set their rally points in warcamps.
Fixes have been made to issues which were causing guild promotion and demotion not to work properly.
Several issues have been addressed that previously allowed players to get to locations they were not supposed to
be able to reach.
Morale abilities will now be much more responsive. These abilities will now fire immediately when activated by the player on the first attempt.
Morale abilities will now display their cooldowns correctly at all times.
Root effects, with the exception of morale roots, will now grant a 5 second immunity from all roots to the victim when the effect breaks, and in addition will no longer stack with other roots.
Root effects will now properly have a chance to break whenever a player takes ANY damage. This includes individual tics of Damage over Time spells.
To promote population balance among the various scenarios, we have added a feature that reduces the number of times a scenario can launch in a short period of time. This will give scenarios which are launched less frequently an opportunity to catch up in the queue population and launch more often.
Improvements have been made to auto-attack animations. Players will now see smoother, more consistent weapon swaps when players change from ranged to melee auto-attacks, and vice-versa.
The responsiveness of ability activations has been improved. Players will now see less of a delay between the activation of aann ability and the corresponding animation. |
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Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:56 pm Post subject:
Quote: | General Changes and Bug Fixes:
There were some instances in which the reticule for ground-target-area-effects was allowing these spells to be cast in areas which were not originally intended. This has been adjusted.
Several issues have been addressed that previously allowed players to get to locations they were not supposed to be able to reach.
Combat and Careers
Tactics gained from Tome Unlocks have been renamed.
Damage over Time abilities: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of these abilities has been made consistent across the board. This generally resulted in an increase in damage, but some abilities have also been brought down. Individual abilities are noted under each careers section.
Unstoppable: Knockdowns will now be listed on all tooltips for this ability when applicable.
Point Blank will now correctly ignore Knockback and Knockdown immunity, as well as not trigger it.
Fixed assorted issues in which certain movement reductions/increases would stack, slowing or speeding targets more than intended. This also addresses cases in which snared players would find themselves essentially rooted when in lava.
Image Changing Rewards: A players illusion will now break upon using an ability in addition to breaking on damage.
Alter Fate: Tooltip should now display the correct values.
Misdirection: This ability should now play an effect on the caster while the ability is active, and play a brief effect on anyone damage by the effect.
Rampaging Siphon: Morale should now heal the group for each target hit, instead of only once.
Frenzied Slaughter, Force of Will, and Relentless Assault: These abilities will now play an effect when used.
Relentless Assault: This ability will no longer remove snares and roots.
Divine Protection should now list the amount of damage absorbed in the tooltip.
Renown Rewards:
Mission Focused: This tactic should now provide the correct bonus while fighting around objectives.
Spiritual Refreshment: This ability should now show its bonus correctly in the Character Window.
Prismatic shield: This ability will no longer fail if your defensive target is not a group member.
Transfer Force: The damage of this ability has been increased.
Hurried Restore: This tactic will now stun the caster when the resurrection spell is cast, instead of when it is accepted.
Healing Energy: Contribution from stats has been reduced to bring the ability in line with our design goals.
Drain Magic: This ability will now increase in potency with High Magic.
Balanced Mending: The HoT portion of Healing Energy will now benefit from this tactic.
Radiant Lance: This ability will now reliably consume high magic.
Law of Conductivity: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Radiant Gaze: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Transfer Force: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Dissipating Energies: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased slightly to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Scatter the Winds: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased slightly to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Lambent Aura: The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same.
Black Orc
All Black Orcs have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
All War Bellows will now persist through the Black Orc's death. This means that you will not have to recast a War Bellow after respawning or being resurrected.
Trip Em Up: The snare from this ability will no longer stack with other snares. Also, the damage has been reduced but no longer occurs over time. The AP cost has increased and the reuse timer has been removed.
Da Big Un: The damage of this spell has increased, and its radius reduced.
Skull Thumper: This ability now adds an effect that deals additional damage to the target whenever they are critically hit.
Right in da Jibblies: The reuse timer of this ability has been lowered.
Follow me Lead: The Toughness buff given to the defensive target should now work correctly.
Juggernaut: This ability is now available at rank 12.
Guard: This ability should no longer attempt to work on players outside of your group.
Rock 'Ard: This ability now starts a Plan chain.
Bright Wizard
All Bright Wizards have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
Flame Breath: Affected targets will now properly receive a debuff icon.
Explosive Force: The damage done to the targets around the caster is now defendable.
Fiery Blast: The tooltip now displays the correct damage and radius. In addition, this ability now builds the correct amount of combustion.
Scorched Earth: This ability now builds 10 combustion.
Playing with Fire: The damage from this ability is only triggered when the affected player casts a direct heal and cannot do critical damage.
Detonate: Fixed a bug in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.
Combustion will no longer start to fade away if you continue casting spells after hitting 100.
Fire Cage: This abilitys cost has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased and the ability is now available at rank 12.
Pyroclastic Surge: This ability is now available at rank 10.
Scorched Earth: The ability should now have the correct cooldown.
Ignite: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Boiling Blood: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Detonate: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Flame Breath: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Spreading Flames: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Backdraft: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
All Chosen have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
Suppression: The parry buff from this ability should no longer stack with itself.
Mixed Defenses: The tooltip for this ability should now display proper values.
Juggernaut: This ability is now available at rank 12.
Guard: This ability should no longer attempt to work on players outside of your group.
Seeping Wound: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities. |
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Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:56 pm Post subject:
Quote: | Disciple
All Covenants will now persist through the Disciple's death. This means that you will not have to recast a Covenant after respawning or being resurrected.
Covenant of Tenacity: Fixed a bug that made the radius of this ability much too small.
Covenant of Vitality: Fixed a bug that caused the healing portion of the lifetap to always heal the Disciple, instead of the player who procced the damage.
Covenant of Vitality: The damage of this ability has increased.
Consume Essence: The damage of this ability has increased.
Transfer Essence: The damage of this ability has increased.
Restore Essence: The stat contribution has been fixed. This ability was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
Bloodthirst: The snare component for this ability has been removed, and damage has been increased.
Lacerate: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Fell Sacrifice: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Soul Infusion: The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same.
All Engineers have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
Flak Jacket: Magic Damage will no longer reduce Armor counters.
Steam Vent: Newly created Engineers will no longer show this ability as being trainable at Ranks 15 and 21.
Gun Blast: The damage of this ability has increased.
Field Repair: Cost, range and cooldown increased, now instantly restores health instead of being a channel.
Incendiary Rounds: The damage and cost of this ability have increased.
Friction Burn: The damage and cost of this ability have increased.
Fragmentation Grenade: The damage and cost of this ability have increased.
Signal Flare: The damage and cost of this ability has increased, and its reuse reduced.
Penetrating Round: The damage of this ability has increased.
Focus Fire: The damage of this ability has increased.
Firebomb: The damage of this ability has increased.
Self Destruct: This ability has had its cost removed, the reuse timer has been increased significantly, and now deals damage in addition to knocking down.
All Turrets: Gun, Flame and Bombardment Turrets have had their cost greatly reduced and their auto attack damage greatly increased. In addition they are now core abilities and will match the level of the players rank when summoned.
Pet Ability - Penetrating Round: Damage increased, now considered a Path of the Rifleman ability.
Pet Ability - Machine Gun: Now considered a Path of the Rifleman ability.
Pet Ability - High Explosive Grenade: Damage and build time increased, reuse reduced, now considered a Path of the Grenadier ability.
Pet Ability - Shock Grenade: Damage and reuse increased, build time reduced, now considered a Path of the Grenadier ability.
Long List eh? happy
Pet Ability - Flamethrower: Now considered a Path of the Tinkerer ability.
Pet Ability Steam Vent: Now considered a Path of the Tinkerer ability.
Electromagnet: This ability has undergone significant changes. The cost of the ability has been significantly reduced while the cooldown has been increased. In addition the build time has been increased, the ability can no longer be cast on the move, and the maximum number of targets affected by this ability has been decreased and it can now be defended against. Lastly this ability will grant immunity to knockback effects.
Barbed Wire: This abilities cost has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased and the ability is now available at rank 12.
Hip Shot: This ability is now available at rank 10.
Friction Burn: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Acid Bomb: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Incendiary Rounds: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Fragmentation Grenade: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Signal Flare: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Phosphorous Shells: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Sticky Bomb: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Napalm Grenade: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Lightning Rod: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Blunderbuss Blast: This ability now has the correct cooldown.
Fragmentation Grenade: This ability now does the correct amount of damage.
All Ironbreakers have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
Shield of Reprisal: This ability will no longer knock down Unstoppable targets.
Guarded Attack: This abilitys Oathfriend buff will no longer stack with other, more powerful Armor buffs.
Punishing Knock: Targets will now actually fall down after being hit by this ability.
Avenging the Debt: This abilitys damage has been increased.
The rate in which Grudge is lost has been changed. Grudge will now start decaying 10 seconds after you stop building Grudge. It will decay at 10 Grudge every second.
Oath Friend: The rate in which Grudge is generated has been changed. If the Ironbreaker is at 0-30 Grudge, the Ironbreaker will gain 5 Grudges every time the Oath Friend is attacked. If the Ironbreaker is at 31-60 Grudge, the Ironbreaker will gain 3 Grudges every time the Oath Friend is attacked. If the Ironbreaker is at 61-100 Grudge, the Ironbreaker will gain 1 Grudge every time the Oath Friend is attacked.
Oath Friend: The cooldown for this ability has been changed to 1.5 seconds.
Juggernaut: This ability is now available at Rank 12.
Guard: This ability should no longer attempt to work on players outside of your group.
Binding Grudge: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Stone Breaker: This ability will no longer be considered a Blessing.
Inspiring Attack: The Strength and Willpower bonus from Inspiring Attack will no longer stack with the bonuses from other Ironbreakers. Players will only receive whichever bonus is most powerful.
Ironbreakers may now use Hammers. |
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Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:57 pm Post subject:
Quote: | Magus
All Magus have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
Daemonic Armor: Magic Damage will no longer reduce Armor counters.
Summon Blue Horror: Opponents must now be close to the Blue horror to melee it.
Wither Soul: The ability tooltip has been corrected and no longer gives the false impression that % debuff was scaling.
Warping Blast, Dissolving Mist: These abilities now display the correct icon.
Infernal Blast: The damage and cost of this ability has increased.
Baleful Transmogrification: The damage and cost of this ability has increased.
Pandemonium: The damage and cost of this ability has increased.
Wither Soul: The damage and cost of this ability has increased.
Rend Winds: The damage and cost of this ability has increased.
Strengthen Thrall: This abilitys cost, range and cooldown timer have been increased. In addition, it now instantly restores health instead of being a channeled ability.
Instability: The cost of this ability has been removed, its reuse timer has been increased significantly, and it now knocks down the target instead of draining Action Points.
Flamer, Blue Horror, and Pink Horror of Tzeentch: These abilities have had their cost greatly reduced and their auto attack damage greatly increased. In addition, they are now core abilities and the demons will match the level of the players rank when summoned.
Pet Ability - Flames of Change: Reuse time reduced, now considered a Path of Changing ability.
Pet Ability - Flame of Tzeentch: Reuse time and channel duration reduced, damage increased, now considered a Path of Changing ability.
Pet Ability - Coruscating Energy: Damage reduced, now considered a Path of Daemonology ability.
Pet Ability - Warping Energy: Now considered a Path of Daemonology ability
Pet Ability Daemonic - Consumption: Build time increased, now considered a Path of Havoc ability.
Pet Ability - Daemonic Fire: Build time and damage increased, now considered a Path of Havoc ability.
Chaotic Rift: This ability has undergone significant changes. The cost of the ability has been significantly reduced and its cooldown has been increased. In addition, the build time has been increased. The ability can no longer be cast on the move, the maximum number of targets affected by this ability has been decreased, and it can now be defended against. Lastly, this ability will also grant immunity to knockback effects.
Tzeentch's Grasp: The cost has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased and the ability is now available at rank 12.
Move Surging Violet Fire: This ability is now available at rank 10.
Infernal Blast: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Glean Magic: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Baleful Transmogrification: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Pandemonium: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Withered Soul: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Mutating Blue Fire: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Seed of Chaos: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Dissolving Mist: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Agonizing Torrent: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Demonic Consumption: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Flames of Change: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Tainted Claw: This ability will now be increased in duration by Ailments, not Cripples.
Rend: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Wave of Mutilation: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Deadly Clutch: The Value of this debuff has been reduced to 50%. In addition, 25% of the value the target is healed for (after debuff) also affects the Marauder.
Rune Priest
Blessing of Valaya: This ability will no longer fail to cast if you dont have line of sight to your defensive target.
Rune of Fortune: The damage of this ability has increased.
Rune of Fate: The damage of this ability has increased.
Rune of Mending: Stat contribution fixed. This ability was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
Oath Rune of Sanctuary: This ability will now be affected by the anti-resurrection aura.
Rune of Immolation: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Rune of Cleaving: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Spellbinding Rune: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Rune of Fate: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Rune of Battle: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Rune of Warding: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Rune of Iron: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Oath Rune of Power: Now also increases the targets Ballistic Skill.
Shadow Warrior
All Shadow Warriors have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
Festering Arrow: The hotkey for this ability will no longer light up when in Assault Stance.
Hunters Fervor: The radius has been increased to match similar group based effects.
Acid Arrow: Buff Icon will now state the actual number that the armor is debuffed, instead of percent.
All stance abilities will now persist through death.
Skirmish Stance: The buff granted to the Shadow Warrior when in Skirmish Stance will now allow ranged autoattack to fire while moving.
Vengeance of the Nagarythe: The cooldown of this ability has been reduced.
Assault Stance: This ability has been given an added benefit. While the Shadow Warrior is in Assault stance, all +Balistic Skill benefits provided by items will be considered +Strength as well.
Broadhead Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
Acid Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
Takedown: The damage of this ability has increased.
Spiral Fletched Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
Flame Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
Rapid Fire: The damage of this ability has increased.
Eye Shot: The damage of this ability has increased.
Throat Shot: The damage of this ability has increased.
Glass Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
Festering Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
Fell the Weak: The damage of this ability has increased.
Shadow Sting: The damage of this ability has increased.
Flanking Shot: The damage of this ability has increased.
Whirling Pin: The cost of this ability has decreased, the cooldown has increased, and the ability is now available at rank 12.
Vengeance of Nagarythe: This ability is now available at rank 10.
Broadhead Arrow: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Draw Blood: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Flame Arrow: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Glass Arrow: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Shadow Sting: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities. |
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Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:57 pm Post subject:
Quote: | Shaman
Gorkll Fix It: The buff icon for this ability will now state that the ability is healing you, instead of damaging you.
Greener n Cleaner: This ability will now properly remove effects from allies.
Ere We Go!: The tooltip for this ability will now list the duration of the effect.
Bleed fer Me: : The damage of this ability has increased.
Dat Makes Me Dizzy: This tactic will now stun the caster when the resurrect is cast, instead of when it is accepted. In addition, when this tactic is equipped, Shrug it Off will now work properly.
Gorkll Fix It: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed. This was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
Life Leaka: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Bleed Fer me: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Ere We Goes Again: Duration of Ere We Go will no longer be reduced with this tactic equipped.
Brain Bursta: This ability will now reliably consume Waaagh!
Shrug it Off: This ability will no longer work in anti-resurrect areas.
'Ey, Quit Bleedin': The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same.
All Sorcerers have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a
result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
Surging Pain: This ability now builds 10 combustion.
Triumphant Blasting: Players knocked back by this ability will now correctly be provided knockback immunity.
Grip of Fear: The cost of this ability has decreased, the cooldown has increased, and the ability is now available at rank 12.
Arctic Blast: This ability is now available at rank 10.
Piercing Shadows: The damage done to targets around the caster is now defendable.
Chillwind: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Word of Pain: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Ice Spikes: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Gloom of Night: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Absorb Vitality: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Squig Herder
All Squig Herders have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
Ard Noggin: The cooldown for this ability has been removed.
Sneaky Stabbin: The tooltip for this ability is now correct.
Spiked Squig: The buff granted to the Squig Herder when a Spiked Squig is summoned will now allow ranged autoattack to fire while moving.
What Blocka?: This ability is now defendable, and now reduces the targets armor and block chance.
Plink: The Action Point cost and damage for this ability has been increased.
Stabbity: The Action Point cost and damage for this ability has been increased.
Run n Shoot: The Action Point cost for this ability has been reduced.
Squig Armor: While in Squig Armor, thh Squig Herders Ballistic Skill from items is now converted into Strength.
Ard Noggin: The damage of this ability has increased.
All pets will now summon at the same level as the Squig Herders rank.
Pet Ability Poisoned Spine: This ability now fires properly and its damage has been increased.
Pet Ability Goop Shootin: The damage of this ability has increased.
Yer Bleedin: The damage of this ability has increased.
Stop Runnin!: The damage of this ability has increased.
Run n Shoot: The damage of this ability has increased.
Explodin Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased.
Lots o Arrers: The damage of this ability has increased.
Not So Fast!: The damage of this ability has increased.
Choking Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased.
Finish Em Off: The damage of this ability has increased.
Shrapnel Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased.
Rotten Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased.
Behind Ya!: The damage of this ability has increased.
Sticky Squigz: The cost has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased and the ability is now available at rank 12.
Squig Frenzy: This ability is now available at rank 10.
Yer Bleedin' : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Cut Ya : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Explodin Arrer : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Big Claw : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Shrapnel Arrer : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Rotten Arrer : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Gore : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Poisoned Spine : The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
All Swordmasters have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities! All Blade Enchants will now persist through the Swordmaster's death. This means that you will not have to recast an Enchant after respawning or being resurrected.
Heaven's Blade: This ability now reduces resists by the correct amount and will display as a debuff.
Graceful Strike: Fixed a bug in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.
Nature's Blade: The proc from this ability now has new art for its area effect.
Gusting Wind: The cost of this ability has been decreased, it has been changed to a Perfect Balance attack, and it now deals spirit damage.
Quick Incision: The cost has of this ability been increased, its cooldown timer has been removed, and its damage has been changed to apply instantly instead of over time.
Wrath of Hoeth: The cost of this ability has been increased, it has been changed to an Improved Balance attack, and its radius has decreased.
Blurring Shock: This ability now applies an effect on the target for the next 10s: whenever they are critically hit they take additional damage.
Phoenix Wing: This ability no longer adds additional hate. Its damage has been increased, and its radius has been increased.
Crushing Advance: The damage of this ability has increased, its reuse has increased, and this ability now adds 10% to the Swordmasters block instead of increasing the current value by 10%.
Protection of Hoeth: This ability has been changed to an Open Balance attack, its reuse has been decreased, and its absorb effect has been decreased.
Juggernaut: This ability is now available at rank 12.
Guard: This ability should no longer attempt to work on players outside of the Swordmasters group.
Graceful Strike: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities. |
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Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:58 pm Post subject:
Quote: | Warrior Priest
All Auras will now persist through the Warrior Priest's death. This means that the Warrior Priest will not have to recast an Aura after respawning or being resurrected.
Prayer of Absolution: Fixed a bug that made the actual range much shorter than the range listed in the tooltip. The range has been increased to match the tooltip value.
Soulfire: This abilitys tooltip will now state that the effect is a Curse, instead of a Cripple.
Divine Strike: The damage of this ability has increased.
Sigmars Radiance: The damage of this ability has increased.
Prayer of Righteousness: The buff window tooltip for this ability will now display correctly.
Divine Aid: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed. This was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
Prayer of Devotion: The health gained when this ability triggers has increased.
Castigation: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Healing Hand: The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same.
White Lion
All Training buffs now persist through the White Lion's death. This means that the White Lion will not have to recast a Training after respawning or being resurrected.
Blindside: Fixed a bug in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.
Pet ability Gut Ripper: Fixed a bug in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.
Cleave Limb: This ability now snares the target for 10 seconds. The ability no longer reduces auto attack speed.
Pet Ability Bite: The damage of this ability has increased.
Pet Ability Claw Sweep: The damage of this ability has increased
Pet Ability Shred: The damage of this ability has increased
Pet Ability Leg Tear: The duration has decreased on the Damage over Time aspect of this ability.
Pet Ability Fang and Claw: The damage of this ability has increased
Pet Ability Maul: The damage of this ability has decreased and its reuse timer has been decreased.
Pet Ability Gut Ripper: This abilitys reuse timer is now 20 seconds.
The White Lion pets auto attack damage has been given a substantial increase.
Pack Assault: Fixed a bug that prevented the initial damage of this ability from being displayed to the player.
Blindside: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Shattering Blow: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Echoing Roar: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Leg Tear: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Gut Rip: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Witch Elf
All Kisses now persist through the Witch Elf's death. This means that the Witch Elf will not have to recast a Kiss after respawning or being resurrected.
Envenomed Blade: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Wracking Pains: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Elixir of Insane Power: The benefit of this ability has been reduced. The Witch Elfs attacks will now ignore 50% of her targets armor.
Witch Hunter
All Witch Hunters have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their career mastery points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
Repel Blasphemy: This self-buff is now right click removable.
Blessed Bullets of Cleansings: The damage of this ability has increased and the amount of Action Points stolen
has been increased. This ability is now available at rank 35.
Blessed Bullets of Confession: The damage of this ability has increased, and this ability is now available at rank 9.
Blessed Bullets of Purity: The damage of this ability has increased, and this ability is now available at rank 4.
All Bullets now persist through the Witch Hunter's death. This means that the Witch Hunter will not have to recast a Bullet after respawning or being resurrected.
Sanctified Bullets: This tactic has been adjusted so that Blessed Bullets of Purity will now heal for 50% of the damage they cause.
Fervor: Fixed a bug in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.
Sweeping Strikes: This tactic will now correctly affect two other targets.
Emperors Commendation: This ability now triggers off of from-stealth openers.
Fervor: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Burn, Heretic!: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Burn Away Lies: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Seal of Destruction: The Witch Hunters attacks will now ignore 50% of his or her targets armor.
Endless Gifts: This ability will no longer affect Winds of Insanity.
Boon of Tzeentch: The damage of this ability has increased.
Dark Medicine: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed; it was previously receiving more stat
benefits than intended.
Manipulation: This ability will no longer trigger if the target of the heal is already at full health.
Mark of Remaking: This ability will now be affected by the anti-resurrection aura.
Warp Reality: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Demon Spittle: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Tzeentch's Lash: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Wind of Insanity: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Vortex: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Spell Destroyer: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other damage over time abilities.
Mark of Daemonic Fury: This ability now also increases the targets Ballistic Skill.
Tzeentch's Cordial: The duration of this ability has been increased to 24 seconds, and the overall amount healed over this duration remains the same. |
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Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:58 pm Post subject:
Quote: | Content
Common monster disable abilities will now be gated by monster rank and tier. Players will notice fewer disable abilities from common monsters at the lower ranks of play.
Non-humanoid monsters will no longer hit for 50%+ of players health on critical hits.
An issue has been fixed that was causing the buff icon on various marketing rewards not to display correctly.
Book of Boom: You can no longer be knocked back while under the effects of the Book of Boom.
Numerous bugs have been corrected relating to Weapon and Armor effect procs. These should now display correctly and fire more reliably.
Opponents may no longer right click item effects to remove them from themselves, and the Boost, Blades, Barrier and Barricade effects will now proc far more reliably.
Fixed a bug that was causing weapons and armor not to display their proc effects in the item display.
Numerous bugs have been corrected relating to Weapon and Armor effect procs. These will now display correctly and fire more reliably.
Opponents can no longer right-click unfriendly item effects to remove them from themselves, and the Boost, Blades, Barrier and Barricade effects will now proc far more reliably.
Image Changing Rewards: A players illusion will now break upon using an ability in addition to breaking on damage.
All Dwarf spanner items in the game are now set to be useable by Engineers only.
All Dwarf great hammer items in the game are now set to be useable by Iron Breakers only.
All Empire rapier items in the game are now set to be useable by Witch Hunters only.
Tooltips on armor set pieces will now display information relevant to that set's bonuses.
When conquered, Keeps and Fortresses will now offer one or more guaranteed gold loot bags as part of the chest loot.
Standards: All references to banners should now be removed. All text now refers to standards.
In addition to reducing the amount of damage received from high-level encounter NPCs, each Ward on high-level armor set pieces worn will now affect the amount of damage players are able to do to those NPCs. Players not wearing any pieces of the appropriate armor set will see their damage greatly reduced. For each piece of the appropriate armor a player wears, their damage against the boss monster will increase.
User Interface
The "Ability Not Ready" message will no longer display when the remaining cooldown on an ability is less than or equal to the full global cooldown.
Corrected an issue with the cooldown timers on the action bar buttons that was causing them to count down improperly. The timers will now count down in half-second increments beginning at 3 seconds remaining.
Characters will no longer have all of their currently-active cooldown timers reset when they are granted new abilities.
Morale abilities will now display their cooldowns correctly at all times.
Fixed the tooltip display for the first custom guild rank slot
Kicking a player from a guild now properly deactivates the guild and alliance tabs for that player.
Guild members may now be promoted to the first customized guild rank slot.
Fixed an issue in which guild and alliance roster sub-tabs appeared on the screen if the player joined a new guild after having left a guild with the Guild Roster tab as the last Guild Window viewed.
Guild titles will now sort by rank rather than alphabetically.
Players who have not been given permission to kick members from their guild will no longer be presented with the option to do so.
Fixed an issue in which the guild roster was not updating properly when 'Hide Offline' was checked.
Guild Leaders, Officers and anyone with appropriate permissions can once again use the guild window context menus to promote and demote members.
Locking the chat window will now persist upon logging out.
Fixed an issue with the targeting system that could be used by players to gain an unfair advantage. Targeting of friendly players will now work in the same way as using abilities. Players must either use a keyboard key or click with the mouse to acquire a friendly target. To target a monster or NPC, players must click on the target in the world or /assist a friendly player. Players using our default user interface should see no change as a result of this fix.
Realm vs. Realm
Fixed an issue which was causing the Martyr's Square battlefield objective not to issue renown properly.
Fixed an issue with the postern door of the Ghrond's Sacristy keep which was preventing players from being able to enter the keep through the door.
A time delay has been added to the preliminary spawns of flags and murderballs in several scenarios. This change was made in order to ensure that both sides have a chance to run to the spawn location of the flag or murderball at the start of the match, and battle for control of the area even before the object has spawned. The affected scenarios include the following:
Mourkain Temple
Stone Troll Crossing
Tor Anroc
Howling Gorge
Talabec Dam
Serpent's Passage
The interact timer for planting the bomb in the Howling Gorge and Talabec Dam scenarios has been lowered to 2 seconds.
Various improvements have been made to reduce the frequency in which the Realm War maps will incorrectly report contested zones in Tier 4. This means that zones displayed as locked when they actually arent should occur far less frequently, if at all.
That's all (for now) folks! happy
Mark |
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Fri Nov 07, 2008 3:50 pm Post subject:
Bummer I saw all these posts on this thread and got excited thinking a lot of people posted... lol
Lots o' changes...
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Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:39 pm Post subject:
That's a lot of changes....so many I didn't even bother reading anything other than the ones for WE.
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Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:51 pm Post subject:
I read mainly the enemies so I will know WTF they are getting.
I try to look over other classes in our own realm too so I know who has the debuffs, who can shear buffs off of the enemy, who can cure hexes, etc.
It is also good if you really like to know the enemy to create that toon no another server and go look at the class trainer and see all of their spells, styles, morales, etc..
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