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Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:13 pm Post subject:
Im looking forward to this game, i love Zombie games
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Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:34 pm Post subject:
Yeah, this game is a must-get for me. The cool thing is that the AI Director spawns zombies in random places each round, which means a different experience each time you play, which equals a much, much longer road to the point of boredom. Also, there's a total of twenty maps, which is pretty cool. I just hope they don't end so fast.
The only downer is that their are only about ten weapons. But, there are too many uppers to pass it up.
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Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:07 pm Post subject:
Plus people get to be zombies. Better yet, they're cool zombies.
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Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:02 pm Post subject:
OK I am in on this game...this 5 minute intro looks freaking awesome....
May even have to pre-order it so I can play the demo on Thursday
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Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:20 am Post subject:
Naaahhh...not my cup of tea.
Respect all, fear none!
Conscia mens recti, famae mendacia ridet.
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Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:21 pm Post subject:
This game should be intense. Of all the reviews from people who already played it, it hasn't gotten one bad review.
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Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:25 pm Post subject:
The demo is getting fairly good reviews from pre-ordered gamers. From what I've been reading, it's been a good nine out of ten..... just for the single player. For the multiplayer, I think it's a good five out of ten. People are complaining about "matchmaking" in the game. Apparently, the game has no server browser, and chooses your server for you to, I guess fix the problem of players joining a game currently in progress. There's a lot of lag, too in the multiplayer.
All in all, I still think I want to try this game out, but I also think I'm going to wait for the world-wide release of the demo (just five more days!).
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Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:29 pm Post subject:
Alright a bit of a overview of this very fast, intense, heart pounding game...
I have played about 5 hours on the multi player maps...there are only 2 currently...The Apartment and The Subway...they are a bit short on normal mode...but kick it up to advanced and enjoy the ride
The game at least for me has no lag at all...it takes a little while sometimes to get a 4 person group...but you do not have to wait you can go solo and people can join in mid-game...if friends have the game you can add them to your friends list in steam and invite or jump into their game if a slot is available..very cool feature....
I would rate my multi-player experience a high 9 or 10 easy...it is better to be with a group than have the A.I. control the others, they hesitate to damn much and do not want to follow you sometimes when your ready...also easier to heal real team mates than wondering if the A.I. characters will heal you
And expert mode freaking insane...needless to say have not made it far in this mode
In only two days people have already found out how to enable the Versus mode...so you can try out the Zombie bosses
Here is what you need to do to enable the Versus mode once the demo comes out to everyone...
How to try Infected in the Demo...From Scuzzball off the Left4Dead Steam forums
This works for single and multi player as of now, and is of course an incomplete feature, so don't even think about bugs or balance! This is purely for fun and curiosity!
There are scraps of Versus mode inside the demo. If this post is somehow against the rules, delete it at your leisure.
1. From the starting screen, click Options, then Mouse/Keyboard, and enable the developer console.
2. Start a single player game and open your console with the ~ key.
3. Type "sv_cheats 1" This will enable cheat mode.
4. Type "ent_fire !self setteam 3" to join the Infected team
You get to choose where to spawn as a baddie, but the AI controlled survivors will not leave their starting room and the game will not start on its own.
5. Type "director_force_versus_start 1" in your console to begin the round.
The survivors will start hacking their way through the apartment building and you finally get to try your zombie character!
6. When you die (and you probably will), you will not re spawn. Press space to cycle through different spectating modes till you are in in free flight mode. You must then use these commands in the console.
z_spawn tank
z_spawn boomer
z_spawn smoker
z_spawn hunter
These will spawn you as that infected at the spot you are currently "flying" as a spectator. (If you use these commands while you are alive, it will spawn a computer-controlled boss of that type where you are aiming. z_add will spawn a regular infected. z_spawn witch also works, but she is always computer controlled)
In Multi player, this will only work if you are the lobby leader and you choose to host the game locally; it will NOT work on other people's dedicated servers!
Many people including me have been unable to get the AI survivors to leave the safe room in the subways. Unless someone gets a work around, this only works on the apartment level.
I was iffy about my pre-order to be honest, but now that I've gotten 3 of my friends to try the zombies, they're all buying the game today!
Have fun
They also have a couple of custom maps already made, I have not had the chance to try these yet...
Oh by the way this game is f***ing awesome and I think I will have nightmares
Look forward to kicking some zombie butt with everyone next week
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Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:54 pm Post subject:
I have been debating back and for on whether or not this game was worth the pre-order. But, I wanted to play the demo SO BAD! So, I have pre-ordered and I have played it. It is pretty crazy! The AI Director is a fantastic system that provides a unique experience every time.
On normal, it's ridiculously easy. You only need one or two pellets from your shotgun to take one zombie out, and pistols get it done in no time. But, then again, these are only the first two levels. Perhaps it's like most every game. Starts out easy, and gets harder and harder. Hopefully, in the full version, this will get way more intense. The two maps are real fun, and DARK!! You will definitely need your flashlight about 90% of the way. The only time to turn off your flashlight is when you hear the witch. She is a.... well, it rhymes with witch.
My favorite level to play on is advanced. People say the witch is the worst, but I have to say the tank is the toughest one. On normal the guy goes down quick, but on advanced, he is a beast! He just doesn't go down. He took me down twice, and half the team at one point. I haven't tried expert yet, but I hear it is near impossible to beat. I have not tried online play, either. I think I'd rather play with some of my clan-mates and other friends around here first.
What I don't like is that the zombies just stand around acting like drunks until you either shoot them, shoot a near-by zombie, or get too close. I hope the full game isn't like that, which I doubt it will. Otherwise, it'll be like shooting soda cans off your fence with a bee-bee gun. Just target practice the whole way, aside from the random hordes that charge you like no tomorrow, and the bosses.
All the problems people had must have been on their end completely. Because I have not run into ANY problems whatsoever. The download was quick, about fifteen minutes with an average 580-610kbs. I started it, and it ran clean. But, like I said, I have yet to see what online is like.
I definitely look forward to the full version in a couple of weeks, and a community that will build more maps, mods and other cool stuff. I give it a solid 9/10. It's fun to play infected, too. I like the tank.
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Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:51 am Post subject:
There is a server browser, but it's turned off by default. Activate the Developer Console and type "openserverbrowser"
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Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:03 pm Post subject:
tried it..only a few times i jumped nothing really exciting kind of plain levels seem to repeat a lil
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Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:03 pm Post subject:
For anyone interested, this is the last day to play the Left 4 Dead Demo. Otherwise you'll have to buy the game to try it. Just a heads-up for anyone still interested.
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