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Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:46 am Post subject:
Installing the NEW ZOMBIE MAPS for Vista and XP |
I want to thank Dupont for finding these maps and the instructions for installing and running them.
There are some new Zombie Mode maps for Co-Op. Some nice maps, and it will give us a break from being in the same two rooms all the time.
First, you need to get the mod/maps from this post:
>>>> http://www.uzaclan.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=139963
Then, unZIP the archive you downloaded. I will use the "anzio" map as an example. It will create a folder called:
NOTE: If you are using the built-in Windows unZip facility instead of WinRAR or WinZIP you will need to be careful. Windows will try to create a folder called nazi_zombie_anzio and then unZip the archive into this, creating ANOTHER nazi_zombie_anzio folder inside the first one. Be sure you end up with just a folder called nazi_zombie_anzio (or whatever the name is) with 5 files in the folder. If you open the folder and there is another folder with the same name, you need to only copy over the inside one to the "mods" folder, or it won't work.
Following are instructions for installing nazi_zombie_anzio in COD World at War. The instructions are slightly different for Vista and XP, so make sure you follow the correct ones! After the installation instructions will be a section on how to run it which is the same for both Vista and XP. Installing the other (and all future) maps is exactly the same.
Installing the mod/map
You will be putting the folder "nazi_zombie_anzio" into this folder on your PC:
C:\Documents and Settings\your_name\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CodWaw\mods
So you will end up with:
C:\Documents and Settings\your_name\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CodWaw\mods\nazi_zombie_anzio
If you are comfortable with this already, then skip to the running instructions. It's all you have to do to install it, copy the folder into the right directory and you are done.
If you need some help with putting the folder in the right place:
First, you may need to unhide "hidden files and folders" to see some of the folders in Vista or XP. Go to "My Computer" and set "show hidden files and folders" under "folder options"
Then go to the appropriate CodWaW folder. IF THE "mods" FOLDER DOESN'T EXIST, YOU WILL NEED TO CREATE IT.
Vista: C:\Users\your_name\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaw
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\your_name\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CodWaw
Then just drag and drop or copy and paste the entire "nazi_zombie_anzio" folder into the new "mods" folder
Running the new Zombie map
In Solo/CO-OP, select MODS and "launch the "nazi_zombie_anzio" mod. ALL PLAYERS MUST launch the mod to play.
Then everyone except the person who is going to "host" the match stay at that "Solo/Co-Op" screen. The host will set up the zombie game exactly as they always do, with the exception that they will select the map "nazi_zombie_anzio" when they change the game type to "Zombie Mode".
The host will then invite folks as usual, and when everyone is in the lobby, start the game as usual.
Problem Solving
Q: "When I go to MODS on the Solo/Co-Op screen, the "nazi_zombie_anzio" mod isn't listed!"
A: You didn't put the folder with the map/mod in the right place. No, you didn't. Really, you didn't. I know, I know, you still didn't. Start over. Be careful, there is an "Application Data" folder under "C:\Documents and Settings\your_name" THIS IS THE WRONG ONE. You want the one under "C:\Documents and Settings\your_name\Local Settings".
Q: "When the game starts my Call of Duty beeps, crashes, leaves a huge black square on the screen and gives me an error message "unexpected end of file in zone nazi_zombie_anzio info"
A: You have an older or corrupted version of the map. Get a fresh copy and try again.
Q: "Can I test this somehow on my own to see if it works?"
A: You bet. at the Solo/Co-Op screen, select MODS and "launch" the "nazi_sombie_anzio" mod. Then pull down the console with the tilde "~" key and type "/map nazi_zombie_anzio" and hit enter. This will launch the mod/map in "single player" mode so you can kill zombies on your own.
Last edited by {uZa}Lonesome Eagle on Mon Dec 22, 2008 5:52 am; edited 10 times in total |
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Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:42 pm Post subject:
Added another new map to the above post...
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Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:40 am Post subject:
I followed the instructions and I still cant get it to run, I do not get an error now, but the maps just wont run.
C:\Documents and Settings\Steve\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW\mods
In the mod folder I have four map folders and one read me text.
The first time I loaded it it went to the black square and froze up. I deleted it all and redownloaded it to my desktop and re-did everything, now when i try to load the single player to make sure it works, it starts to go, then stops and goes back to the singleplayer/co-op game screen.
Every man has to know his limitations, so Go Ahead, Make My DAY!
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Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:11 am Post subject:
How big are the map folders in the mods folder ? You don't have the zipped folder in there too do you ?
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Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:09 am Post subject:
{uZa}Col. Hogan wrote: | I followed the instructions and I still cant get it to run, I do not get an error now, but the maps just wont run.
C:\Documents and Settings\Steve\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW\mods
In the mod folder I have four map folders and one read me text.
The first time I loaded it it went to the black square and froze up. I deleted it all and redownloaded it to my desktop and re-did everything, now when i try to load the single player to make sure it works, it starts to go, then stops and goes back to the singleplayer/co-op game screen. |
Any chance this happened?
NOTE: If you are using the built-in Windows unZip facility instead of WinRAR or WinZIP you will need to be careful. Windows will try to create a folder called nazi_zombie_anzio and then unZip the archive into this, creating ANOHTER nazi_zombie_anzio folder inside the first one. Be sure you end up with just a folder called nazi_zombie_anzio (or whatever the name is) with 5 files in the folder. If you open the folder and there is another folder with the same name, you need to only copy over the inside one to the "mods" folder, or it won't work.
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Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:44 am Post subject:
{uZa}Col. Hogan wrote: | I followed the instructions and I still cant get it to run, I do not get an error now, but the maps just wont run.
C:\Documents and Settings\Steve\Local Settings\Application Data\Activision\CoDWaW\mods
In the mod folder I have four map folders and one read me text.
The first time I loaded it it went to the black square and froze up. I deleted it all and redownloaded it to my desktop and re-did everything, now when i try to load the single player to make sure it works, it starts to go, then stops and goes back to the singleplayer/co-op game screen. |
When you say "try to load the single player to make sure it works, it starts to go, then stops and goes back to the singleplayer/co-op game screen." do you mean when you "launch" the mod from the "MODS" menu selection on the main Solo/Co-Op screen? If so, that is normal behavior. "Launching" the mod doesn't actually play the map, it just loads the required mod into memory and all you will see is the game sorta "restart" and go right back to the Solo/Co-Op screen. To actually play the map in single player, you then have to bring down the console with the tilde "~" key and type "/map nazi_zombie_anzio". (replacing "anzio" with the map you want to play) Be sure you run the SAME map as the mod you "launched" as well. They have to go together.
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Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:47 pm Post subject:
I got a new zombie map in my Dup folder for you.
Check the read me file first.........
Life is sexually transmitted...
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Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:51 pm Post subject:
Ok thanks, got it to work, I had the dual folder scenerio.
Every man has to know his limitations, so Go Ahead, Make My DAY!
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Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:16 pm Post subject:
Dupont wrote: | Eagle,
I got a new zombie map in my Dup folder for you.
Check the read me file first.........  |
Will do! Thanks.
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Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:03 pm Post subject:
Added another one that Dupont found, nazi_zombie_FRUmansion to the list in the top post.
Install it just like the others.
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Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:20 pm Post subject:
Dupont wrote: | Eagle,
I got a new zombie map in my Dup folder for you.
Check the read me file first.........  |
I have it. Forget the readme, just install it JUST like the others, it works fine.
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Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:24 pm Post subject:
Thanks Eagle........
Life is sexually transmitted...
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Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:37 am Post subject:
no"~" Option |
My ~ key works in MP but not in SINGLE/CO=COP??
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Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:39 am Post subject:
Enable console in single player co/op mode options will do it.
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Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:51 pm Post subject:
Ok, I got it to work, but then I added the 5th map, and now I can not run it on my own, not sure if works in co-op if sumone else starts it?
Every man has to know his limitations, so Go Ahead, Make My DAY!
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