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Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:24 pm Post subject:
Yes Canada Sent i think 2 thousand to Bosnia in the 90's, my uncle was one.
Bosnia was a different situation as well, as i remember there were out pours of crys from the countrys effected for help.
yes you tossed out a Dictator, but with all that man power poured into Iraq, could have been used in Afghanistan. Is Afghanistan a clear winning fight no, it is on the edge, it needs alot more help that isnt being noticed.
Altho, the Marines wanted to ditch Iraq and go to Afghanistan.
This thread was about al-Qaeda, where is the main concern of them, Afghanistan, why is this just about Iraq, is everyone just Forgetting the other fight?
You said it is your responsibility to help those who cannot help themselves, there was countrys much worse off then Iraq at the time, Do i see 100 thousand american troops storming into Sudan? no, why, Cause Sudan didnt gab daddys tie.
Sorry Ranting, try not to flame me.
I apologize for spelling mistakes and so on, got the flu.
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Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:33 pm Post subject:
Dude, when you say al-Qaeda I read TERRORISTS. They are in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Thus we are in both places. As for Bosnia being different, you are absolutely correct; THERE WAS NO THREAT TO AMERICAN INTERESTS THERE! No terrorists from that region were threatening us. No rulers from that area were trying to attain nukes or other weapons of mass destruction, with the intention of attacking the west. No insane dictator was refusing to allow UN weapons inspections, etc., etc., etc.
So some people were having a problem and asked us to intervene? That is and was then none of our damn business. Let the Europeans deal with their own problems, we have enough of our own, here and abroad. The U.S. military should not be, and never was intended to be, the world's police force. The only time our military should be sent anywhere is when there is a clear and present danger to our interests and the safety of U.S. citizens.
The point I was trying to make, unsuccessfully it would seem, is the duplicity exhibited by those on the left and the U.S. media. It's ok to go to war if a democrat is in office, but not if there's a republican doing it. How is saving one group of people from a madman any different from saving another group from another madman?!
Now my personal feeling on this is that we should get our government's foreign policy back to what was intended by our founders. Maybe you've heard of the Monroe Doctrine. I believe in trade and commerce with all and entangling alliances with none. We should not be fighting other nation's wars for them. Europe has armies, let them police Europe. If the people of the Middle-east wish to be free then let them do as we Americans did and stand up and fight for it. Why should we send our troops to Africa to fight for anyone? Let those who are oppressed rise up and fight for their own freedom. No, it's not easy and people will surely die, but they are dying now and doing not thing one to stop it. They just call for the UN or the U.S. and sit back and wait.
The UN is as useless as tits on a boar hog. When have they done anything useful? Oh yeah, there were all those girls in Africa that were impregnated when they were raped by UN peacekeeping forces. I suppose the rise in the birthrate there was useful for replacing all the people that were killed while the UN was "keeping the peace." The reason people call on the U.S. is because they know our military will get things done - until the politicians step in and screw things up.
That will do for now. I have to go pick up my daughter from work. Perhaps there will be more later.
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Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:12 am Post subject:
It is a terrible world we are living in. The terrorists are begining to use mentally handicap people to get the goals achieved. It won't be long until they start using children more also. If we don't deal with them NOW we will have to deal with them later. I agree there should be a media blackout and get the job done. The problem is the politicians want to look like they are tough on terrorist but don't want to look bad in the media. The terrorists will attack us again. Even if we would pull out of Afghan and Iraq. They want America and Israel gone forever. By the way is my memory right and these two countries people were begging for pur help, since their citizens we being murdered by the rulers. They for the most part I don't think are the problem it's the few nut job terrorists. My only fear is there is information out there that they are going to start targeting schools. People in my community complain about school security is a pain, but it is needed especially in todays world. The terrorists are crazy sick people that need to be delt with we should just let our military do what they need to do to get the job done.
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Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:42 pm Post subject:
There has got to be a way to control Terrorism.
Don’t know if it could ever happen, but here’s a few ideas:
Kill them, no wait I’m just being mean.
Deal harshly with them, no I’m still being mean.
Hold them accountable to their actions, why am I so mean.
Maybe we need to hold people like me accountable, deal harshly with me, or even kill me.
Now that wouldn’t be mean that would be best for the world.
I’m so destructive!
Then everyone else could just love each other in peace, talk, educate, and live in perfect harmony.
Maybe drink a Coke!
Maybe everyone in the world needs a self powered microchip implanted.
Then we can track everyone by satellite.
Terrorist networks would be helpless if everyone was forced to have a chip to buy, sell, travel, work, ect…
Plus there would be many good benefits:
No more children missing.
Walk thru line at store scan your chip, state what account you want to use for payment and leave.
Medical records would be easily found in an emergency.
No more illegal aliens.
Crime would be more controllable.
Every aspect of our life would be more efficient.
No long lines at the License Branch, ect…
I bet the governments would be so efficient; they would cut our taxes by 90 percent.
Why just think of all the possibilities.
The governments would be able to create world peace.
We could also implant all products with non self powered chips.
This would make it easier to leave the stores.
No long check-out lines just walk up with your cart, it gets scanned and the bill is totaled in a few seconds.
Then state which account you want to pay from and leave.
Something gets stolen or lost just report it and whenever it passes a scanner it would notify the world police, oops I mean the local police.
Now all we need is a few world monetary systems.
I think ten should be plenty.
We here in the USA could join with Canada and South America.
We would also need to give the federal governments more power.
Just to make things fair, efficient, and in the best interest of everyone.
Yes, it would be UTOPIA!
That is assuming that the governments are ran by individuals who know what’s best for the world.
We would want a few large governments that could get along.
And if they didn’t, we could always pick an individual that could take charge of all governments.
As long as he promised to end all the wars, bring peace, feed everyone, ect…
But we would need someone to point to who this perfect leader would be.
Kind of like a false prophet, oops I mean a wise person.
Yes, I know this is way to far out there and could never happen.
Maybe we should reconsider HiTech’s idea and make a big parking lot.
Besides the world is over crowded and parking spots are hard to find!
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Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:47 am Post subject:
Is info that just came on the AP about my previous post about them using kids and not caring about kids or anybody. As I said in a previous post they will probably do more harm to children if possible for the fear and shcok factor.
US Says al-Qaida in Iraq Using Children
Feb 6, 08:05 AM EST
By LAUREN FRAYER - Associated Press Writer
BAGHDAD (AP) -- Videotapes seized during U.S. raids on suspected al-Qaida in Iraq hide-outs show the terror group training young boys to kidnap and assassinate civilians, U.S. and Iraqi officials said Wednesday.
Footage aired for reporters showed an apparent training operation with black-masked boys - some of whom appeared to be about 10 years old - storming a house and holding guns to the heads of mock residents. Another tape showed a young boy wearing a suicide vest and posing with automatic weapons.
But U.S. and Iraqi officials said they could offer no estimate on how many children have fallen under the terror group's control. They named just a handful of attacks blamed on women or children.
The American military said some of the tapes were found in December during a U.S. raid in Khan Bani Saad, northeast of Baghdad, and said it indicated a pattern that al-Qaida in Iraq was increasingly using children for sinister means.
"Al-Qaida in Iraq wants to poison the next generation of Iraqis," Rear Adm. Gregory Smith, a U.S. military spokesman, told reporters Wednesday inside the heavily guarded Green Zone. "It is offering children as the new generation of mujahedeen," he said, using the Arabic term for holy warriors.
"We believe this video is used as propaganda to send out to recruit other boys ... and to send a broader message across Iraq to indoctrinate youth into al-Qaida," he said.
Other scenes from the Khan Bani Saad video showed masked boys forcing a man off his bicycle at gunpoint and stopping a car and kidnapping its driver along a dusty country road. At one point the boys - wearing soccer jerseys with ammunition slung across their chests - sit in a circle on the floor, chanting slogans in support of al-Qaida.
Iraqi Defense Ministry spokesman Mohammed al-Askari told reporters that militants are kidnapping more and more Iraqi children, though he could not offer details or numbers.
"This is not only to recruit them, but also to demand ransom to fund the operations of al-Qaida," al-Askari said.
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Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:20 am Post subject:
Hmmm... Al-Qaida is using children as soldiers against us in a very unpopular war that we have no hope of winning the way we are fighting it... Does any of this sound familliar??? Think 1965-1973... Oh well, at least this time around we aren't taking our frustrations out on the men and women who served our country... Maybe this time the government will get it's head out of it's a$$ and let our soldiers win... But I doubt it...
_________________ Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!
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