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Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:20 pm Post subject:
Wedding Woes |
I'm sure this is not the first marriage that WoW has ended, I myself have been scolded by my wife for not going out to dinner with the family due to a a long group mission or a long instance run looking for that one drop you just have to have.
Wedding Woes: The Dark Side of Warcraft
Popular online PC game is causing marital discord.
By Mike Smith of Yahoo! Games
Although best-selling online role-playing game World of Warcraft boasts over ten million subscribers, it's also leaving in its wake an increasing list of casualties.
Even though she's never played the game, 28 year-old Jocelyn is one of the fallen. A well-spoken California resident, she divorced her husband of six years after he developed a crippling addiction to the smash online RPG.
"He would get home from work at 6:00, start playing at 6:30, and he'd play until three a.m. Weekends were worse -- it was from morning straight through until the middle of the night," she told Yahoo! Games in an interview. "It took away all of our time that we spent together. I ceased to exist in his life."
Jocelyn had been friends with her ex-husband Peter since the age of 13, but it took only nine months for her marriage to collapse.
"I bought the game for him for Christmas 2004, when it first came out. By May we had our first serious discussion about where our marriage was going, and by September I had moved out," she said.
Jocelyn recalled one particular incident that was typical of Peter's habits. "I had set aside 30 minutes for us to watch a television show together, and he couldn't. He was stuck on a raid, and completely failed to understand why I was upset," she said.
Peter's domestic duties also suffered. He stopped paying bills, she says, and refused to do his share of the housework.
Jocelyn doesn't hesitate to cite Warcraft as the main reason for her divorce and remains emotional about its impact on her marriage. "I'm real, and you're giving me up for a fantasy land. You're destroying your life, your six-year marriage, and you're giving it up for something that isn't even real."
Despite their differences, the couple remains friends, and although Peter still plays World of Warcraft, Jocelyn says he made an effort to cut down after their split.
A gamer herself, Jocelyn briefly worked for World of Warcraft developer Blizzard Entertainment, although not on the title that proved so damaging to her relationship. "I recognized that this was a game that would never end, and that's why I chose not to play it," she said.
"They build it in such a way that you have to keep putting more and more time into it to maintain your status. I remember thinking when I was married that it was downright exploitative to people who couldn't control themselves in that way. It's set up like a drug."
Asked if she would consider marrying another Warcraft player, Jocelyn laughed. "That's actually one of my primary criteria now -- I don't want to marry someone who is a gamer
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Sat Feb 16, 2008 1:47 am Post subject:
So let me get this straight... A confirmed gamer is friends with another gamer from the age of 13, marrys him, buys him an addicting game, and the whines about him playing it???
Whats next, marry an alcoholic, buy him a case of scotch and then gripe that he drinks it???
My wife is not a serious gamer... She spends a lot of time on Pogo playing, but nothing dramatic... I told her up front when we met that I spend more time on my computer than I do with friends or family... She accepts it... Unless I am at work, watching a NASCAR race, or sleeping, I am probably on my computer...
Granted, he went a little on the extreme side, not paying bills, etc... But in reality, she knew what he was before she married him, she bought games for him to play, what exactly did she expect??? I'd say she got exactly what she wanted...
Just my not-so-humble opinion...
_________________ Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!
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Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:21 am Post subject:
Hehe good post Water. Very interesting article..... I bought my hubby WoW...he bought it for me and it took him a year for me to play it. Fun game.
You know you are addicted to World of Warcraft when….
- Before you make a purchase you actually wonder if the item is going to be soulbound or if you will be able to resell it on ebay.
- You pass a graveyard and actively look for where the Spirit Healer is.
- You don’t consider yourself to be 34 but instead you are Level 34. or 34ish.....
- If you never would think about taking a day off of work or school on a Tuesday (the day Blizzard does weekly maintenance). Dont' think I have been "sick" on a Tuesday...
- When you think of 8 hours as 1 bubble of rested xp instead of being a 1/3 of a day
- Upon attending a get together of greater than 5 people you no longer refer to it as a party but a raid.
- You still expect to see a half naked nightelf one day dancing on your mailbox.
- You have played every class with every possible talent combination and still you fail to admit that Warlocks are OP ( over powered). and no they are not OP..my main toon is a Warlock....
- you try to tame a bear or any other wild animal and expect it to obey you as soon as you try.
- you see a dead animal and try to skin it.
.........and you have asked your hubby/wife to get their lvl 70 to gank some horde that killed your low level toon in stranglethorn vale....
....sheesh i am so nerdy....
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Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:22 am Post subject:
Those are good ones CG
Not that I have ever done any of those before
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Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:32 am Post subject:
I can remember saying Ding! LEVEL 16 at school on my birthday, luckily I realized it and it was only around gaming friends
I only posted it this year in guild forums cause Dinging is a /gkick-able offense
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Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:38 pm Post subject:
Great post WaterBoy. Very funny CG, and to close to being true.
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