Do you like the new COD2? |
It's exactly what I expected, awesome graphics and great play! |
34% |
[ 13 ] |
It's a lot of fun, jury is still out on it! |
18% |
[ 7 ] |
a little disappointed, need more playing time. |
15% |
[ 6 ] |
Reminds me too much of COD, it's fun may be limited. |
10% |
[ 4 ] |
Great Graphics, poor game play :( |
7% |
[ 3 ] |
Don't really like it all, too slow and nothing has really changed. |
2% |
[ 1 ] |
Where are the $%@# Tanks?! |
5% |
[ 2 ] |
50 bucks for this junk! |
5% |
[ 2 ] |
Total Votes : 38 |
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Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:53 pm Post subject:
The Shotgun ownz all other weapons. You just have to be sneaky and get up close.
Of course, it's already getting labeled a newbie gun. roflmao.
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Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:19 pm Post subject:
my experiance was good.
i cant get enough of the game it is sooo fun my foavorite cod yet
my favorite guns so far are the shotgun,grease gun,mosin nagat,and a few other ones i cant remember the name
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Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:57 pm Post subject:
TBH, i really haven't liked it very much. The shotgun is fun but generally i've found it more difficult to kill people. No spring makes baby jesus cry and the maps are bleh and small which seems to cater to accidentally running into someone rather than making your way over to them. Perhaps i just need to spend more time playing and getting comfortable with the weapons.
The single player wasn't bad though. Multiplayer doesn't seem nearly as good at this point. Guess we shall see.
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Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:45 pm Post subject:
As a person who welcomes change I appreciate the new weapons and new feel to the game. Although tanks, arti and satchels are missing, I'm happy to revisit strait soldier on soldier fighting like the original cod. The only two things I'm really disappointed at is the fact that there's no sprint and the lack of completely new maps.
I believe we all like cod because it presents a fantasy world where you can experience the a sense of war without the dangers it carries. And for this to take the greatest effect, the game cannot deviate too much from reality. A soldier who moves at a consistent walking or running pace is silly, at least in the real world.
Although the lack of new maps is easily remedied, I feel that Activision should not depend on others to innovate in regards to maps. For $50 you'd expect for them to come up with new classics instead of remaking them. It's plain and simple laziness on their part.
_________________ New sig never came...
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Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:53 pm Post subject:
The maps are the only things that I was disappointed with.
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Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:07 pm Post subject:
In regards to maps......I feel new maps would of been cool also but that will be taken care of by map makers in the coming weeks and months.
I like that they at least gave the older maps a face lift and changed a few things tomake them flow better BUT.... I STILL find myself following the same old routes in those maps Anyone else doing the same thing?
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Tue Nov 01, 2005 3:03 am Post subject:
just wait till i getta hold of cod2 and the editor ill make some maps and dish em out to you guys..
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Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:14 pm Post subject:
At first I hated it, everything seemed to move in slow motion. Then with help from Meethos, I found out my framerate was in the mid 20's and even lower at times. Once I adjusted the graphics down things smoothed out and I was getting a consistant 90 fps. Hopefully my fun factor will rise as much also.
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Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:23 pm Post subject:
Baker's top weapons from first are: The BAR, The Bash, Kar98k, MP44, Sten, Nagant, and that new russian weapon.
The game is coming sooo much easier to me now. I'm averaging 60-70 kills a game, and my deaths below 30. Not the best score, but good for a start. The bashing is soo much easier now. I cleared a whole spawn point with only the butt end of my gun.
That shotgun is okay, but it appears to do most of the work for you in close range situations.
There are many sunsets in a lifetime, but only one for each day.
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Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:35 pm Post subject:
I've waited long enough to voice my opinion... However, there isn't an option in the poll for me. I love it! My only disappointment is in my hardware. I really want to be able to run it in 1024X768 with the eyecandy turned on.
I remember when I first got here and we were playing ut2003. I was using a gforce 440mx and then I upgraded to the 9600 pro all in wonder. I was simply amazed that there was rain and snow in some of the maps.
While I'm sure that if I upgraded my vid card to the best agp one I can get, I'd still be somewhat cpu bottlenecked. That would also be like throwing good money after the bad with the cpu and video sockets changing. Also the cash is there for a total system upgrade, but shortly in the future that money might be needed for more important things.
Just need the sprint put back in, new hardware, and then I'll be happy.
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Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:50 pm Post subject:
I'm trying but it's just not much fun. One thing I noticed is it's very hard to see people with all the smoke, snow, reflections, sun. It's like shooting at haze. I will have to say right now COD is a better game. The movements seem off and as usual letting off an entire clip into someone doesnt kill them but they can with a single bash of a pistol.
Waits impatiently for the next good MMORPG!
Last edited by {uZa}Boobot on Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:02 am; edited 2 times in total |
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Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:24 pm Post subject:
That's another thing. THE SMOKE HAS TO GO!!!!!!
It doesn't hurt my frames to much but daaaamn.... I'm tired of not seeing anything.
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Tue Nov 01, 2005 11:58 pm Post subject:
1 map turned into a smoke throwing contest there was smoke everywere took me a min 2 figure i was walking into a wall 4 a bit
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Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:06 am Post subject:
I didn't even think about that. That is probably my biggest complaint of the game. It wouldn't be so bad if it was used every so often to cut off an mg's point of view or a sniper. It seems like people spawn, throw down a smoke nade, go die, and repeat. It doesn't even help half the time.
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Wed Nov 02, 2005 7:57 pm Post subject:
thanks guys, dont sound like is worth 50 bucks to me and of course im cpu bound even though i got a decent(older) vid card.
the UO server has been DEAD every time i get on to play and so ive been over playing pure base assault on an anarchic mod server with a lot of those afterhourz maps.. no time limit so some of the games literally take HOURS. a group of guys on vent would rule with coordinated actions on those maps.
yall who enjoy it, glad ya like it, those who dont, i could try and remember to put that server info up if ya wants to go play some base assault.
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