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Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:32 pm Post subject:
Pre-ordered my copy today!!!! Nov 6th.
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Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:15 am Post subject:
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Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:39 am Post subject:
neenar neenar neenar
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Wed Aug 01, 2007 4:50 pm Post subject:
Humanism- Less Filling, Tastes Great.
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Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:31 am Post subject:
I'll buy mine a Target like most my other games.
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Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:42 pm Post subject:
some more info
Check www.charlieoscardelta.com right now! Click Beta in the NavBar and you can see all kinds of information on how the game is going to work!!!!!
This should eliminate some of the repeating questions that are bound to pop up in this forum when the release of the game gets closer. This is strait from Infinaty Ward, so don't even think about trying to disprove anything in here. I'll try and update it when IW does on their site. Other than that, here's the FAQ's:
Developer: Infinity Ward
Publisher: Activision
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Official Site: www.charlieoscardelta.com
# Online:
PC: 32+ Players
OS: XP or Vista
Rating: Rating Pending
Last Stand MP Perk HD (Gameplay)
Deep Impact MP Perk HD (Gameplay)
Double Tap MP Perk HD (Gameplay)
Sleight of Hand MP Perk HD (Gameplay)
C4 MP Perk HD (Gameplay)
Multiplayer Content Interview HD
The Bog Rescue HD (Gameplay)
Vehicle and Weapon Interview HD
Evolution of Storyline Interview HD
Military Advisor Interview HD
Official Reveal Trailer HD
Will there be Anti-cheat out of box?
Yes, we will have Anti-cheat support for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare out of box. We have not announced which Anti-cheat system we will be using at this point however, but it will be available at launch.
Will there be Mod Tools / Support?
Yes, we do plan on releasing Mod tools and Mod support for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, there may not be mod tools out of box however we are working to ensure that we have Mod tools and support as soon after launch as possible.
Will There Be Http Redirect?
Yes, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare will utilize Http redirect.
I read about classes in MP, how does that work in COD4:MW?
In multiplayer there will be five default classes each with a set weapons load out and three default Perks per class. There will also be the option to Create-a-Class which you can unlock through ranking up that allows you to customize your primary weapon, secondary weapon, grenade type, up to three perks, and accessories for your primary and secondary weapons (i.e. scopes, sights, camo schemes).
What are Perks and how do they work?
Perks are a new addition to multiplayer in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which act as special abilities to customize your character to your play style. These perks are broken up into three categories and are limited to only having three active at a time (one per category). There are a vast number of perks available, creating a unique MP experience every match with the large amount of difference combinations available.
A new perk will be revealed each week, check the top of this FAQ in the VIDEOS portion for links to videos showcasing perks as they become available.
What are the confirmed perks?
We will be confirming new ones every week, so far we have confirmed:
* Last Stand: Fall to the ground and pull out your pistol for one last chance to kill the enemy before dying.
* Stopping Power: Increased Bullet Damage.
* Juggernaut: Increased Health.
* Martydom: Drop a grenade when you die. (Anti-Tbag Technology)
* Extreme Conditioning: Longer Sprint.
* Deep Impact: Increased Bullet Penetration.
* Double Tap: Increased Rate of Fire.
* Sleight of Hand: Faster Realoads.
* C4 x2: Allows C4 Charges in Loadout.
* Bomb Squad: Ability to seek out enemy explosives.
* Claymore x2: Allows Claymores in loadout.
* RPG 7 x2: Rocket launcher with 2 rockets.
* Special Grenades x3: Replaces smoke grenades with 3 special grenades (such as flashbangs and stuns).
* Sonic Boom: Increased explosive damage.
* UAV Jammer: Undetectable on enemy radar.
* Steady Aim: Increased accuracy when shooting from the hip.
* Dead Silent: Makes player harder to hear while moving.
Can Perks or other options be modified or disabled?
Yes, server admins and players will have a large amount of config options to disable / enable as they see fit on their servers. Perks can be disabled and plenty of gameplay options can be modified. Server Admins and players will have a healthy config file to assist them.
Will there be Ranking and how does it work?
Yes, there is a ranking system in multiplayer. As you play the game you gain XP = Experience Points, the more XP you gain the higher you will Rank up.
The Ranking loosely follows military Marine ranks although there are more ranks in the game than there are actual Marine ranks, so there will be multiple levels to each rank.
As you Rank up you will unlock more and more weapons and gear to customize your weapon load out. This includes completely new weapons, new sights, new scopes, new grips, new camo schemes, and more.
Will there be kill cam in Multiplayer?
Yes, Kill-cam will be in multiplayer just like Call of Duty 2.
Is Sprinting a new feature in COD4:MW?
Yes, we have introduced Sprinting to both Single and Multiplayer. This is great for getting to cover quickly while underfire.
In one of the videos I noticed someone stab someone, what was that?
Yep, that is our new and incredibly awesome (if I do say so myself) Knife Melee. When things get crazy and you're within hand to hand combat distance, break out a lethal knife stab / swipe / lunge to take down the enemy with your knife.
How many multiplayer gametypes are there, and are the same ones from Call of Duty 2 there?
We're not announcing all the gametypes just yet, but we have brought back all the gametypes from Call of Duty 2 as well as introduced several new ones. The currently confirmed gametypes include:
* Free-for-All (deathmatch)
* Team Deathmatch
* Capture the Flag
* Search and Destroy
* Headquarters
* Sabatoge
* Oldschool (no details available)
* Domination (no details available)
What is Hardcore mode?
We've introduced a new realism mode for the hardcore players, which you can play along with any of the gametypes. So you can play all the gametypes either standard or Hardcore Mode. When playing Hardcore mode there is no HUD, and weapons do more damage (realistic damage).
Can you throw grenades back in Multiplayer?
Yes, you can throw grenades back in Single and Multiplayer.
Can you cook grenades?
Yes, you can cook grenades in both single player and multiplayer.
Weapons Info (these are only confirmed for the Beta for Xbox 360, more weapons will be availible come the final release):
Attachments -
ACOG Scope
Grenade Launcher
Grip (reduces recoil)
Red Dot Sight
Grenades -
Flash (flashbang)
Sniper Rifles -
Dragunov SVD
Shotgun -
Sub Machine Guns -
Side Arms -
USP .45
M1911 .45
Assualt Rifles -
M4 Carbine
Light Machine Guns -
M249 SAW
Classes (these are default classes, once you reach the rank of Private, which is actually the forth rank in the game, you can customize everything):
Assualt -
M16A4 w/grenade launcher (takes up first perk slot)
Perk 1: grenade launcher
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning
1 Frag + 1 Stun Grenade
Demolitions -
W1200 Shotgun
Perk 1: RPG 7 x2
Perk 2: Sonic Boom
Perk 3: Extreme Conditioning
1 Frag + 1 Smoke Grenade
Heavy Gunner -
M249 SAW
USP .45
Perk 1: Stun x3
Perk 2: Juggernaut
Perk 3: Deep Impact
1 Frag Grenade
Sniper -
M9 w/silencer
Perk 1: Flash x3
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Deep Impact
1 Frag Grenade
Spec Ops -
USP .45 w/silencer
Perk 1: C4 x2
Perk 2: Sonic Boom
Perk 3: Steady Aim
1 Frag + 1 Flash Grenade
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Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:16 pm Post subject:
_________________ Keep doing what you're doing and you'll keep getting what you're getting...
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Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:15 pm Post subject:
You went all out on this 1 smoke....gj!!
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Fri Aug 10, 2007 11:58 pm Post subject:
Spazz wrote: | You went all out on this 1 smoke....gj!! | good old copy paste gotta love it.
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Mon Aug 13, 2007 7:28 am Post subject:
That's for the skinny!
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