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Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:09 am Post subject:
Where are all the players? |
How come every time i startup UT3, the servers are always empty? I see about a total of 150 people across all gametypes at max anytime of the day? Is everyone really playing WoW and Cod4? Or is there some filter setting hidden i'm not seeing? For such a big reputation the Unreal Series has for online play, if this is just because a lack of players, then geez..
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Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:24 am Post subject:
Q tracker just found 769 servers worldwide with 12232 slots showing 300 players,and most of those are false hits.
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Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:24 pm Post subject:
I hate to be the barer of bad news here, but I'm afraid they might have shot themself in the foot by releasing such an amazingly incomplete product.
I saw this EXACT same thing happen with the Quake series. The hype for Q4 was HUGE! Then when they released it, it was a buggy mess so it turned a lot of people off initially and that's when a game brings in the most users is during the initial hype period. If a game is released in bad shape, word spreads fast so people never even bother with it.
Q4 is now a work of art. They slaved hard working with what was left of the community and now have a great game. To little to late as everyone moved on.
I'm afraid the same will happen to the Unreal series.
I'm doing my best to support it though. CG and myself got online last night to test out some custom maps and before we knew it, there were about 6 people on the server. So if we can get enough people here to try the game, we might be able to generate some activity.
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Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:26 pm Post subject:
BTW, the official patch fixed MANY of the issues.
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Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:14 pm Post subject:
sCaryDeth wrote: | I hate to be the barer of bad news here, but I'm afraid they might have shot themself in the foot by releasing such an amazingly incomplete product.
I saw this EXACT same thing happen with the Quake series. The hype for Q4 was HUGE! Then when they released it, it was a buggy mess so it turned a lot of people off initially and that's when a game brings in the most users is during the initial hype period. If a game is released in bad shape, word spreads fast so people never even bother with it.
Q4 is now a work of art. They slaved hard working with what was left of the community and now have a great game. To little to late as everyone moved on.
I'm afraid the same will happen to the Unreal series.
I'm doing my best to support it though. CG and myself got online last night to test out some custom maps and before we knew it, there were about 6 people on the server. So if we can get enough people here to try the game, we might be able to generate some activity. |
I'm sorry to say but these reasons have caused me not to buy UT3 as well.
As soon as word spreads that a game is "imcomplete," it immediately kills the hype for me and I can't bring myself to put down $50 for a game. Even if the new patch did fix many issues - too little, too late.
I'd like to play with all you guys but with so many expenses coming up (car, insurance, college, etc.), every penny counts.
BTW, if any of you have tried talking to me while playing CoD4 and I wasn't responding, its because I'm not the one playing. It's my dad. I, myself, haven't played CoD4 since the 1st week it came out.
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Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:48 pm Post subject:
The big problem is, there are too many awsome games that have come out at the same time... $50 here and there and there again is just too much. I'll get the game for sure, but not for awhile yet. I still havent even played COD4 single player yet, or Gears of War, or Crysis.. which I still have yet to play.
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Tue Dec 18, 2007 12:07 am Post subject:
Yea, I bought it as well about a week back and yes the graphics are cool but without Zark, those original weapons seem so hit and miss. I prefer the 100% accuracy of Zark so that everyone is on the same playing field not just the person who was lucky to get the best weapon at the moment. Plus the transponder seems to be missing so time will tell. I am playing it if for no other reason that you need to know the original guns to be good at the game but still needs a touch more. Havent seem any lag or bugs with the new patch though.
I tried to get into our server but seems to hang and not load. Any further updates for the Zark rifle? Bring it and it will change the lay of the land.
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Tue Dec 18, 2007 6:46 pm Post subject:
I was playing in our server just last night. No issues.
I'll look more into Zark this weekend.
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Tue Dec 25, 2007 10:03 pm Post subject:
Just played 10 rounds - had an awesome time. Our server was empty though
Look forward to playing with you guys soon.
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Wed Dec 26, 2007 1:24 am Post subject:
If anyone wants to hook up on the uZa server, pick a night I will be there.
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Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:00 am Post subject:
Same here. Give me enough notice and I'll even grab some new maps to put up.
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Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:37 am Post subject:
I'm pretty happy with COD4 right now. I'm not happy with my PC though, but even at 30 to 50 fps and 100, I find it easier to hit my target in this game than in any of the other COD series, including the old Server3 with 500 fps and 30 ping.
It's different, I for one love the air strikes and chopper, UAV, ratting out a camper by flash nading and then stabbing the bastard - it's a great game and I don't have time to play more than one really.
I don't think I'll be getting UT and even if I did I probably would struggle running it.
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Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:07 pm Post subject:
sCaryDeth wrote: | Same here. Give me enough notice and I'll even grab some new maps to put up. |
How about tonight?
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Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:55 pm Post subject:
hhahahaha Damn dude... Did you miss the part about enough notice or something?
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Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:10 pm Post subject:
sCaryDeth wrote: | hhahahaha Damn dude... Did you miss the part about enough notice or something?  |
Not miss, ignored
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