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 Post subject: Memo Help
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:21 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:12 pm
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Does anyone know how to make Outlook pop-up and remind users of memos?
See Below for what I mean.

I use Office Outlook 2007 to check all my email accounts and I open it several times a day.
I don't know anything more than just using it for email.
I'm not sure what a pop-up memo would be called, so I don't know what to do a search on for help.
I do know this can be done, because I remember my old boss always used it on his PC.
Any links, keywords, or tutorial would be appreciated.

Thanks, Studdog

Example 1:
Reminder of a one-time Dentist appointment in May.

Example 2:
Reminder on a yearly basis to send Auntie a birthday card in July.

 Post subject: Re: Memo Help
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 5:16 pm 
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I don't know about a memo pop-up, but I do know that whey you create and appointment using the calender in Outlook. You can set it up to remind you of the upcoming appointment anywhere from 0 minutes to 2 weeks before that actual time. When the pop-up displays (requires having Outlook open, you can set it minimize to the tray), you can reset when the next time it reminds you, or dismiss the appointment so it doesn't remind you anymore. This is most likely what was happening. Hope it helps.


 Post subject: Re: Memo Help
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:30 pm 
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Like CS said, use the calendar in outlook to set your "memos" up as appointments... If you have outlook closed, the reminders will pop up as scheduled... Or if the time for them is past, they will pop up shortly after opening outlook... Your former boss wasn't the only one at rexam who used that feature... ;)

 Post subject: Re: Memo Help
 Post Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:17 pm 
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I am a happy dog, my tail is wagging. Image

Thanks Crazy and HiTech, That is exactly what I was looking for and it's pretty simple to use.

While we are on the subject of Outlook, can you tell me what the TASKS and NOTES in Outlook are used for?

 Post subject: Re: Memo Help
 Post Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:20 am 
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Think of Tasks as a dialy "to-do" or planning list... For instance, you are working on a project, you can break down all the little things that go into it and put them in the task list... Then, once completed, you can check them off...

Notes is just that... Personally, I don't type fast enough to use that feature, but if you're on a call and need to just "jot some stuff down", this is where to put them... I believe that it can be tied to the calendar, but I can't swear to it...

I used to use the Calendar and Task list quite a bit when I was at Rexam... That was the only way I was able to manage all the projects that I seemed to always have going, especially when I was coordinating that weekend shutdown with your old boss... The task list on that one was about 3 pages long...

And I'm still waiting to hear back from you on that PM I sent you... ;)


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