i5 2500k Vs i5 2500
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Author:  {uZa}1terribleshot [ Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  i5 2500k Vs i5 2500

I need some help from you intelligent people put there, he's my problem. Next week im gonna start buy parts for the build ive been waiting for. Ive decided between the follwoing 2 processors (hopefully a good choice)
$229 - Intel Core i5-2500K BX80623I52500 Unlocked Processor - Quad Core, 6MB L3 Cache, 3.30 GHz, Socket H2 (LGA1155)

$209 - Intel Core i5-2500 BX80623I52500 Processor - Quad Core, 6MB L3 Cache, 3.30 GHz, Socket H2 (LGA1155)

I think the only diff is the unlocked for overclocking. I have NEVER overclocked and locked at the internet and looks like it can be difficult and hazardous if not done right. My question is is it worht the $20 to get it and is it something that is worth overclocking or will i ever do it. Or should I use the $20 elsewhere.

Also here is the to mobo to go with it idk which one either
$189 - ASUS P8P67 Pro Intel P67 Motherboard - ATX, Socket H2 (LGA 1155), Intel P67 Express, 2200MHz DDR3 (O.C.), Gigabit LAN, 8-Channel Audio, SATA 6.0 Gb/s, SuperSpeed USB 3.0, SLI/CrossFireX, Bluetooth

$159 - ASUS P8P67 Intel P67 Motherboard - ATX, Socket H2 (LGA 1155), Intel P67 Express, 2200MHz DDR3 (O.C.), Gigabit LAN, 8-Channel Audio, SATA 6.0 Gb/s, SuperSpeed USB 3.0, CrossFireX Support, Bluetooth

I only have 1 vid card anyway and one day may get a second but no more than 2 and prolly not for a while. Any help would be apprec.


Author:  {uZa}Having Fun [ Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: i5 2500k Vs i5 2500

if you're sure not to OC, you could save the $20 .....but what's $20

for the mobo, the biggest diff what i see is no nvidia sli support op the P8P67
and no Digitaal Coax (S/PDIF)
i won't use those 2 , but you might miss it ?

Author:  {uZa}1terribleshot [ Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: i5 2500k Vs i5 2500

I looked side by sideand very few diff. I won't use those either so. So far I think I'm down for the cheaper processor and cheaper mobo. Wohoo. Lol.

Author:  {uZa} I_DI_EZ [ Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: i5 2500k Vs i5 2500

no point in getting the unlocked chip. whole idea of OC is to buy a less expensive chip and make it perform the same (or attempt to) as one of the expensive chips. if your looking at staying at the 3.30ghz range and have no urge for that 4.0-6 ghz range. save the bucks and enjoy a longer lasting cooler chip ;)

Author:  {GBI}Harryball [ Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: i5 2500k Vs i5 2500

Go AMD 6 core. Im an amd guy, I had to :D

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