another dumb question
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Author:  {uZa}1terribleshot [ Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  another dumb question

Well the buying process has begun. Muhahahahaha. I boughg my case today and am gettin the process. And mobo next fri. Here my quest.

I am using the hd I installed in an old rig about 6mth ago it has wind xp. Its 500gb and only shows list 300gb (and I dont have but a couple of games on it so its not right) so should I format it and wipe it and by full vers of wind 7 or is there a way to fix it and should I just put it in new rig and get upgrade vers of wind 7. Wonder what ya alls thoughts are

Author:  {uZa}CrazySpinner [ Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: another dumb question

It'll go much smoother if you format and load from the beginning. Besides you can't upgrade from XP to Win 7, it has to be a new install.

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