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 Post subject: New MMO FPS in the works!
 Post Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:17 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:19 am
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Hey all I just wanted to let you all know, looks like SOE is going to make a new planetside type of game. There isn't much info on the game atm but I will keep up on whats going on with it. The original Planetside came out in 2003 and it was some of the best fps playing i have seen (CoD 2,4, and 5 are great too and I love em) but forever ending battles just to get over a bridge was just epic... Now the original P.S. you had a monthly charge of $10 then they bumped it up to $15. I know 99% of you won't pay monthly to play and I understand that too, I don't really want to either. BUT IF they made it free to play would anyone be interested in playin it?? I can't really explain how great the original was but maybe I could compare it to when {uZa} had UO an UT. I wasn't there with you guys but I always hear how great it was and it hasnt been the same since the uo ut days, there isn't what people call "THAT GAME" lately... I'm hopeing this game will be great (I love planetside but needs a BIG revamp). Like I said though, I will keep up the info on the game and when it might be released and if there are charges...

This is a small version of a bridge battle. Some battles can last up to an hour LOL


 Post subject: Re: New MMO FPS in the works!
 Post Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:56 am 
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Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:30 pm
Posts: 193
I will definately check this out, but imho Planetside was terrible and didn't feel anything like a real FPS game. The controls were no where near as fluid feeling.

Hopefully this does a better job of it because the thought of PREOPERLY applying the feel of an FPS game into a MMO type environment has always excited me quite a bit!

The artist formerly known as FreakOfNature/sCaryDeth

 Post subject: Re: New MMO FPS in the works!
 Post Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:40 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:19 am
Posts: 168
yes scary I will have to agree with you on the controls. There was a lot you had to know and remember. Once you get it, it was great but just taking the time and learning everything did suck. I do hope they make it a lot easy with the controls. I do however still play the game on a 14 day free trial, its just as much fun doing free trials as it was paying for it...

Btw if anyone wants to try the free trials (never have to pay for anything, game will be free and online will be free and its not stealing)" onclick=";return false;

Once you get it DL'ed and installed it will ask you to create or use exsisting account. Click on create a new account. load up the game using your station name and password and click on 14day free trial. If you have lots of emails like I do once your 14days are up, you can get another 14days with a different account and have to start over but its just as much fun being low lvl as it is being higher lvl, My main account has 2 chars BR 25 (Highest you can get) and was CR 4 (5 was the highest) BR: (Battle Rank) CR: (Command Rank/Leadership and high officer)


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