MW3 Confirmed to not have RANKED Dedicated Servers
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Author:  {uZa}Orbitus [ Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  MW3 Confirmed to not have RANKED Dedicated Servers

So pretty much its just like MW2. Hackers galore, hacked lobbies, disabling VAC to hack without worrying about losing your account like people did in MW2. The ONLY good thing that they are allowing to do is the UNRANKED servers have the ability to run game modes you wouldn't normally play in IW.NET again. Game modes like Gun Game and stuff from CS:S and Black Ops. SO they pretty much lost a big chunk of their PC gamers with this idiotic decision.

Author:  {uZa}mr. brightside [ Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MW3 Confirmed to not have RANKED Dedicated Servers

I don't think they care much for the PC gamers. For sure BF3 is going to dominate MW3 on PC, and hopefully on the 360. MW3, or as I call, the expansion pack, is losing it's steam fast. People are ready for new things that BF3 offers. I'm done with CoD. It's never gonna be like the old days.

The only reason I'll eventually purchase MW3 is for the campaign, and even then I wont buy it until the price drops. It's going to be a pretty long-ass time, I know, but I can wait. :)

Author:  {uZa}Orbitus [ Fri Oct 21, 2011 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MW3 Confirmed to not have RANKED Dedicated Servers

{uZa}mr. brightside wrote:
I don't think they care much for the PC gamers. For sure BF3 is going to dominate MW3 on PC, and hopefully on the 360. MW3, or as I call, the expansion pack, is losing it's steam fast. People are ready for new things that BF3 offers. I'm done with CoD. It's never gonna be like the old days.

The only reason I'll eventually purchase MW3 is for the campaign, and even then I wont buy it until the price drops. It's going to be a pretty long-ass time, I know, but I can wait. :)

Pretty much. I already have my copy of BF3 preloaded and ready to go for Tuesday. People on the Steam forums are cancelling left and right and preordering BF3 from what I saw.

Author:  {uZa}mr. brightside [ Sat Oct 22, 2011 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MW3 Confirmed to not have RANKED Dedicated Servers

Really? Imma have to check that out for some 'lols'. I haven't pre-loaded my game yet. I need to install my new hardrive and Windows 7. I'd like to put in a new processor, too, but I'm not too worried about that. I just installed my new video card, a GTX560, and it can literally handle any game I have right now. Gonna get everything together and pre load it tomorrow.

Hopefully, Origin wont be like Steam and release the game some fifteen hours or more after the actually release date. I hope to play it when I come home Monday night from work for a couple hours and all day Tuesday! :D

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