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 Post subject: Halo: Reach
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:20 am 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!
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Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:35 pm
Posts: 741
My most anticipated game of 2010, aside from Bad Company 2. I've been a fan since the first Halo. This is the only franchise that, imo, has just gotten better and better. Halo: Reach has me more hyped for a number of new features. It's supposed to support sandbox game-play, with unscripted AI, to help replayability, new weapons, and my favorite: Noble Six is you. Unlike the other Halo games, you get to choose who Noble Six is, what their combat style is, based on customizable armor you find throughout the game, and even their gender. I'm big on RPG, and RPG-based games where you get to create your very own main character, so this is a must for me. Here's some Single-Player footage. Myself, I'm solely interested in the single-player. Multi... not so much. Aside from Firefights and co-op play.

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