HDR photography
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Author:  {uZa}Amok [ Thu May 06, 2010 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  HDR photography

Lately I have picked up taking pictures again. Here are my first pictures that I created in High Dynamic Range (HDR). As you might know, HDR pictures are created from three or more pictures, with exposures at least one stop apart. I used the manual setting and BKT (bracketing) on my camera. Pictures were taken in JPG, not RAW. Of course I used a tripod and the self timer set to 5 seconds to prevent ending up with different pictures.

The program I used to create these HDR images is Photomatix Pro 3. I did not change ANY setting in that program. I just uploaded the pictures and clicked “create HDR”. I am sure once you get in that program, you are able to make the pictures look better. The original pictures are, well, original. :) Nothing was changed or enhanced.

Here are some pictures I took in an old leather factory (built in the late 19th century) two weeks ago.
To be able to compare, I added the picture that has the “perfect” exposure, according to my good ol' Nikon D70s. The first one is the original, the second the HDR.











Here are two more HDR pictures I took a week ago hiking in the most southern province Limburg:



Author:  {uZa}Underdog [ Fri May 07, 2010 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: HDR photography

WOW... big difference big guy! :shock: The HDR are great. :D Might have to look into that program.

Author:  {uZa}Canadian Girl [ Sat May 08, 2010 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HDR photography

Great work Amok. :) I have tried HDR once....going to give it a try again.

I love your work. :)

Love the country picture. :)

Author:  {uZa} F8 [ Sat May 22, 2010 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HDR photography

Dramtic effects. Love the outdoor shots, but can see too much color loss on the indoor shots. I like to see HDR salvage difficult shots, but I have to admit, those landscapes are awesome.

Author:  {uZa}Amok [ Tue May 25, 2010 2:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: HDR photography

Thanks you all for your comments. This was just a first step for me in the world of HDR photography, about four weeks ago. I learned a few lessons along the way... :)

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