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 Post subject: Program to back up your COD5 players/profle information
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:03 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:47 am
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Location: Fairfax, VA, USA
I have written a little program to back up your players folder for COD5. It will store the backups in C:\Program Files\COD5Bak and will allow you to keep multiple backups by date. Backing up this data is CRITICAL, as losing it means you start over as a buck private with no saved classes.

Here is the program :

Just download and run to install. It will create icons in your start menu and on your desktop.

To run the program, just double click the icon. You won't see anything much happen, but your players folder has now been saved.

Note to Vista users : You will get a UAC prompt when running if you have UAC (User Access Control) turned on. Just click on "okie-dokie" to continue.

To restore if you have to reinstall COD5 or get a corrupted players file you just copy the data back to the original location :

Stolen from Ren's post...

First you need to setup your system to see hidden files and folders:
Click on the Start Menu
Select Control Panel
Double-click on the Folder options
Select the View tab
Select the option to view hidden files and folders

Window Vista

Go to start -> computer
Double-click on C:
Double-click on the users folder
Double-click on a folder that has your Windows username
Double-click on the AppData folder
Double-click on the Local folder
Double-click on the Activision folder
Double-click on the CoDWaW folder

Windows XP

Go to start -> My Computer
Double-click on C:
Double-click on the Documents and Settings folder
Double-click on the folder the has your Windows username
Double-click on the Local Settings folder
Double-click on the Application Data folder
Double-click on the Activision folder
Double-click on the CoDWaW folder

I have written this to work on both XP and Vista, but since I don't have an XP machine with the game installed I would love any feedback from those that do. Run the program and make sure you have a C:\Program Files\COD5Bak directory, and that it contains the COD5Bak.exe program as well as the "players" folder from your game with the format "Players12-07-2008185914" where the 12-07 stuff is the date and the last 4 digits are the time. If not, let me know so I can do some more testing with someone with XP and COD5. I suspect it will work fine, but those are the famous last words. In any case it will NEVER harm your real players folder and it only copies it to a new location and never writes to it or tries to modify it.

The structure of the back up is :

-- Players (This whole folder is what you will copy back to restore)
--- Profiles
---- YourName
----- Config.cfg
----- Config_Mp.cfg
----- mpdata



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