ACE Mod 5.3 Installed
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Author:  {uZa}Lonesome Eagle [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  ACE Mod 5.3 Installed

I have installed the new ACE mod version 5.3 so you will get a new download...



Minor: Fixed stock bug in CTF where you got double scorepoints for capturing a flag.
Minor: Fixed kick to spectator (if enabled) when numlives was set to more then 0.
Minor: Fixed kick to spectator still running after map had ended.(for example in endgame mapvoting).
Minor: Fixed CTFB bug.
Minor: Cleaned up hud more when the mapvote screen comes up, the outcome screen was still beneath it.
Minor: Added missing logcode bit for stats programs, (i forgot some).
Minor: Got rid of extended obit message that you pulled the grenade to soon when you get selected as VIP.

Medium: Hopefully fixed bug where player could get invincible if parachuted.


Changes: Bodysink, doesnt sink in this game so i deleted that option , now only can set if you want the body to be deleted or not and after how long.
Changed: Parachute protection dvars in playercontrol.cfg are now obsolete, protection is now controled by normal spawn protection.
Changed: Discription of scr_intermission_time.
Changed: Rearranged and added fatality and roadkill messages and sounds to the sounds and messages options of the ace_obits


Added a dvar to turn on or off the "low ammo, reload, no ammo" messages.
Added knife throwing, with weapons enabled or knife only with no other weapons.
I have this "knife throw" function turned off. It is horrible and caused problems.

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