Back up your profiles.
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Author:  {uZa}Renegade [ Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:10 am ]
Post subject:  Back up your profiles.

Copied from Activision just to remind Yall :o

To backup the save and profile data for you Call of Duty: World at War you'll need to do the following:

Windows Vista:

Open the games browser (start -> games)
Right click on the entry for Call of Duty - World at War and select saved games
Backup the players folder

Or if the game is not in your games launcher or you cannot locate the games launcher do the following:

First you need to setup your system to see hidden files and folders:
Click on the Start Menu
Select Control Panel
Double-click on the Folder options
Select the View tab
Select the option to view hidden files and folders

Next browse to the data you wish to backup:
Go to start -> computer
Double-click on C:
Double-click on the users folder
Double-click on a folder that has your Windows username
Double-click on the AppData folder
Double-click on the Local folder
Double-click on the Activision folder
Double-click on the CoDWaW folder
Backup the Players folder to a safe location

Windows XP

Go to My Computer
Double-click on C:
Double-click on the Documents and Settings folder
Double-click on the folder the has your Windows username
Double-click on the Local Settings folder
Double-click on the Application Data folder
Double-click on the Activision folder
Double-click on the CoDWaW folder
Backup the Players folder to a safe location

One fault I did find with this was. My players folder was already saved for COD 4 on my spare drive.I just open up the player folder and copied the profile folder instead.

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