Patch 1.5 RELEASED
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Author:  {uZa}Renegade [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Patch 1.5 RELEASED

From Treyarch.

Hey PC fans,

I wanted to take the time to go over the Patch 1.5 details with you all. There is no release date yet. This patch is in test right now and assuming that there aren’t any problems, the following updates will be made:

PC Patch 1.5:
* CO-OP hosts can now kick players from their lobby
* Improved dog spawning in MP
* Addressed an issue with Zombie pathing
* Fixed an instance of the player model displaying incorrectly
* Some unhandled exception errors have been addressed
* Improved server browser’s refresh functionality when the Source is set to ‘Favorites’
* Added support for CODTV
* “cg_DrawFPS 1” now only displays FPS and cg ms/frame
* Added RCon command "teamstatus" to display players’ team information

Additionally, the following Modding items have been addressed – modders take note:

* Mods: Added joinsquad script function
* Mods: Players can now join CO-OP lobbies that are hosting map names with more than eighteen characters
* Mods: Users can now load custom maps when the usermaps folder contains fifty or more custom maps
* Mods: Removed the loading of duplicate assets that contributed to the ‘2048 materials’ error
* Mods: Increased the amount of mods displayable in the Mods menu
* Mods: Fixed a crash related to the mod.arena file

I’d like to call attention to the CoDTV support – we’ve been working closely with Garetjax, the creator of over the past few months. It is important to note: we did not create or integrate CoDTV into Call of Duty: World at War; rather, we implemented the necessary support functionality into the game client for his CoDTV program to function. Visit for additional updates on that project.

Finally, we are continuing to work on support for Map Pack 2 on the PC. I have no specific information to provide on this yet, but I will update the community when there are more details.


Author:  {uZa}Lonesome Eagle [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 1.5 and map pack 2 news.

Cool.. This is a good one

* Mods: Users can now load custom maps when the usermaps folder contains fifty or more custom maps

A lot of Zombie killers have hit this limitation...

Author:  {uZa}Renegade [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 1.5 and map pack 2 news.

I have 13 zombie maps. :roll:

Author:  {uZa}Lonesome Eagle [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 1.5 and map pack 2 news.

{uZa}Renegade wrote:
I have 13 zombie maps. :roll:

Puts you more in the category of "Zombie Annoyer" rather than "Zombie Killer"... ;-)

Author:  {uZa}mattbaker [ Tue Jun 23, 2009 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 1.5 and map pack 2 news.

Good deal.I hope all the unhandle exctions go away they are annoying. :evil:

Author:  {uZa}Renegade [ Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 1.5 and map pack 2 news.

Map pack 2 will be included with the 1.5 patch. It is now in testing and we should get news of the release next week.

Author:  {uZa}Amok [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 1.5 and map pack 2 news.

PATCH 1.5 is out now!

Call of Duty: World at War PC Patch 1.5 – Sponsored by Treyarch & GGL
Submitted: July 17th, 2009


•3 new MP maps: Banzai, Corrosion, Sup Pens!
•1 new Zombie map with a new weapon (the Wunderwaffe DG-2), flaming Hell Hounds, new traps, and more: Shi No Numa!
•CO-OP hosts can now kick players from their lobby
•Improved dog spawning in MP
•Addressed an issue with Zombie pathing
• Fixed an instance of the player model displaying incorrectly
•Some unhandled exception errors have been addressed
•Improved server browser’s refresh functionality when the Source is set to ‘Favorites’
•Added support for CODTV
•“cg_DrawFPS 1” now only displays FPS and cg ms/frame
•Added RCon command "teamstatus" to display players’ team information
•Mods: Added joinsquad script function
•Mods: Players can now join CO-OP lobbies that are hosting map names with more than eighteen characters
•Mods: Users can now load custom maps when the usermaps folder contains fifty or more custom maps
•Mods: Removed the loading of duplicate assets that contributed to the ‘2048 materials’ error
•Mods: Increased the amount of mods displayable in the Mods menu
•Mods: Fixed a crash related to the mod.arena file


Author:  {uZa}Lonesome Eagle [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 1.5 RELEASED

Thanks for the heads up Amok. Downloading now. As soon as I get it installed on my PC, I will upgrade the server as well and see how it goes..

Author:  {uZa}Amok [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 1.5 RELEASED

You're welcome, Eagle!

I tried the new Shi No Numa Zombies map. Great fun!! Especially if you make it till round 5! :) The hell hounds scared the living daylight out of me! :shock:

Author:  {uZa}Lonesome Eagle [ Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Patch 1.5 RELEASED

Ok, the patch and new maps are all installed on the server.

If you have rcon and want to load the new maps to try them, you can:

/rcon login password

/rcon map mp_docks
/rcon map mp_kwai
/rcon map mp_stalingrad

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