Cool stuff you might not know about
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Author:  {uZa}Retsah [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Cool stuff you might not know about

Man, I don't know how much you're delved into this site but it's just AMAZING!

You can search out toons like wowarmory and even get official rankings!

You can even seen what toons look like in real time (Though it's Java based so inherently a bit flakey)!

Here's my main: ... serverID=4

If you click on the 3D tab you can see what he looks like as of right now.

Also, check out my Legion's official ranking on the server here: ... =0&option=

Note that rank 3 legions are capped at 90 members so we're split out in 2 divisions (Listed as #2 and #10 as of this typing).

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