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 Post subject: Hackers on the server
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:45 pm 
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Joined: Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:24 pm
Posts: 39
I am sorry to the people that can say this guy wasn't hacking but as soon as Dellis left I was getting shot 2 seconds after spawning behind 3 trees and a hill. I couldn't even get close to the base to defend it. And getting shot from across the map with a shotgun on the run more than once? I don't think so. I can understand getting the lucky shot once in a while but not when this guy was sniping with it. I know you can shoot people with slugs if you have them equipped and I dunno if he did or not but its complete crap when I am getting killed thru trees and I can't see him but he can magically see me.

Plus if you can read between the lines his name with his tags supposedly was [Go FL]ck Yourself. << Interesting isn't it? He was like 27 and 3 before I finally gave up and quit. The map before that he was 40 and 12 the next closest person was 28 and 13. He was only lvl 3 too. I am sorry but I call bullcrap.

 Post subject: Re: Hackers on the server
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:54 pm 
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Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:09 pm
Posts: 40
I feel your pain in that one Orbitus because he was frustrating to play against. Not sure if he was cheating or very good but these people will come and go so we just need to use discretion when calling people out as cheaters.

In the game I really don't want to see any one of us calling out players as cheaters unless we have evidence of it. We don't want to come across as that type of clan so while I agree it was frustrating lets please keep the negative comments out of game chat.....unless PB or an admin kicks them then we can talk about them :)


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