Bad Company 2 Game Night
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Author:  {uZa}Dellis [ Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Bad Company 2 Game Night

Some years ago Gomer and I started CTF Night for COD2 and to this day many of us still gather every Saturday night. We are not as strong with the crowd as we once were but now with many of us playing BC2 I figured I would try and get the same weekly game night going with this game.

We will do the same ventrillo deal where we separate into 2 channels and play 3 maps, seeing as how each map plays twice.

One weekend we can play RUSH and the next we can play CONQUEST. Hopefully they will release new game types and/or maps soon.

Now for a day....? I am thinking of either Sunday or Friday. Fridays might be difficult with people going out and such so I figure Sunday, around 7:PM central time.

Let's make this happen and also let's discuss days and times.


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