Someone Broke the Internet...
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Author:  {uZa}Innocent [ Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Someone Broke the Internet...

So I can't ping google or anything outside, well anything outside of Cox's network that is, I can ping my office from my house, therefore I can get to the website while no one else can, unless you are on the Cox Network...

My TV went off by itself but I wasn't really paying attention to it, so after turning it back on, some channels on are TV still working and phone service working, so someone just broke the internet connection... Someone Broke It!

I need to call someone..... LOL
(From a commercial where the end user is calling tech support for help because the internet down, the tech support person ask her to do a number of things and everything requires the internet, he finally realizes that her internet is down and tells the end user that she has to call someone, when in fact she called him because he is the the someone in support...) (I searched the internet but couldn't find any clips of that commercial just yet, it's fairly new prob why.)

Turn my phone's wifi connection off and the cellular internet still works with no problem confirming my thoughts...



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