Call of Duty 12 - Black Ops 3
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Author:  {uZa}Retsah [ Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Call of Duty 12 - Black Ops 3

I've never played Zombies or Campaigns really on ANY of the CoD's... However.... I'm LOVING BO3 Multiplayer! Everything feels crisp and precise. No odd latency kill issues, or anything like that so far for me. I just started my second prestige already so yea, I've been playing a LOT hehehehe

Not sure how much you guys keep up with CoD these days, but they're bringing it old school with BO3! Coming early 2016 the PC version will have map creation / game modding tools released AND DEDICATED SERVERS WITH SERVER BROWSERS OH HELL YES!

Sadly, I've become a bit of a PS4 fanboy BUT I will be watching the developments of this closely and if it starts to pick up steam and people buy into it, I have NO qualms buying the PC version as well! *fingers crossed*

Author:  {uZa}Retsah [ Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: COD Black ops Zombies

Oh and I'll just leave this here :)

Author:  {uZa}Studdog [ Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: COD Black ops Zombies

{uZa}Retsah wrote:
I've never played Zombies or Campaigns really on ANY of the CoD's... However.... I'm LOVING BO3 Multiplayer! Everything feels crisp and precise. No odd latency kill issues, or anything like that so far for me. I just started my second prestige already so yea, I've been playing a LOT hehehehe ……

Glad to hear that it is fun, I bought it yesterday, but haven’t played yet!

{uZa}Retsah wrote:
Not sure how much you guys keep up with CoD these days, but they're bringing it old school with BO3! Coming early 2016 the PC version will have map creation / game modding tools released AND DEDICATED SERVERS WITH SERVER BROWSERS OH HELL YES!

You might as well go buy it for PC now, because we will definitely be setting up several {uZa} Servers with different settings/mods. If you get it now, you can start practicing with the rest of us. It will be awesome to have a modern game and finally be able to draw in large crowds from the internet again! 8-)

Author:  {uZa}Innocent [ Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: COD Black ops Zombies

I am waiting to Treyarch actually lives up to their promise and delivers the tools for creating maps, mods, and private servers. Then yes custom servers and more will be setup. However, I'd hate to jump on this or promise others this and they buy the game, and then Treyarch don't release the tools. So feel free to be on standby and wait, but don't blame me if you buy it and they don't release the tools. We'll see...

Author:  {uZa} I_DI_EZ [ Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: COD Black ops Zombies

I agree, i've been pulled into this whole "we will let you have your severs" in the past. I say show me and i'll start to talk about purchase. 99$ for the deluxe package is a bit to swallow on promises of no hackers, and server mods beyond pretty paint changes on guns.

Author:  {uZa}Studdog [ Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: COD Black ops Zombies

I wasn't aware that Treyarch had made such promises in the past until Innocent gave me the heads up. I had heard the rumors before with previous versions of Call of Duty, but I didn't realize Treyarch was the ones that started the rumors. Shame on them! I do hope they really release the goods this time, custom mods and personal servers with a newer game is what we really need to get the clan back together and growing.

I rushed to buy the game when I saw Treyarch had "officially" announced they were going to release the goods in the near future, so I do have it if anyone wants to play. I bought the $99 version with my allowance for the month, so I should be able to play anything supported.

Author:  {uZa}Innocent [ Wed Nov 25, 2015 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call of Duty 12 - Black Ops 3

I split this topic since we got away from the Zombie talk and more on the game, "promise" of releasing tools, griping about "Treyarch" etch. Just a general Black Ops 3 topic.

Keep checking back here as we talk about BO3 and if and when they release the tools and if you should then by the game, but don't by the game yet, if you are just looking for the modded servers and promises that are not fulfilled yet.

Author:  {uZa} I_DI_EZ [ Tue Dec 22, 2015 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call of Duty 12 - Black Ops 3

any word on a release date?

Author:  {uZa}Innocent [ Tue Dec 22, 2015 3:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call of Duty 12 - Black Ops 3

I ain't holding my breath. 5 months after release they plan on releasing the tools, then 6-8 months later the next COD comes out? Really??

Over the years, the Call of Duty® community has proven itself to be among the most passionate in the world – and we count ourselves fortunate to make games for you.

We’ve been listening to one of your top requests and are excited to announce that modding and mapping are coming to Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 PC!

We’ve still got a lot of work left to do, but here’s our current plan:

You will be able to create Maps & Game Modes and more!
We will include Unranked Dedicated Server Files with the tools so you can run servers with modded content anywhere you choose.
We will provide an Unranked Server Browser so you can easily find and join servers with modded content.
Closed Alpha target date: March 2016

Please remember that this is software development, so things don’t always work out exactly as planned. Sometimes features slip or drop off altogether, sometimes they get replaced with other, more awesome features as we hit into limitations of our original plans.

There is much more news to come including updates on Open Beta timing. In order to keep you informed, we’ll periodically publish developer blog posts to share our progress with our fans. Stay tuned to the Treyarch blog for more information.

And yes, this is for real.


Cesar Stastny

Director of Development

Author:  {uZa}Innocent [ Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call of Duty 12 - Black Ops 3

They need to get more organized here. Either slow down the releases like the first few, where there were a few years in between releases, or put the tools out with release. Releasing tools months later is crazy, then you have the problem of just when the servers are finally getting modded just like we like them, BAM, the new edition comes out and starts the time consuming process of modding and setting up all over again and creating new maps becomes a nightmare. :shock:

Author:  {uZa} I_DI_EZ [ Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Call of Duty 12 - Black Ops 3

agreed. they hardly sound dedicated to getting the modded tools out, rather the rabbit in the hat trick of hopes and promises to squeeze a few extra bucks outa the pc user.... disappointment sets in.

Author:  {uZa}Retsah [ Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call of Duty 12 - Black Ops 3

Studdog still playing on PC? How is the population? I'm almost done with Prestige 7 so only a few more to go before Prestige Master!

Best CoD I've played since CoD 2 personally.

Author:  {uZa}Innocent [ Thu Dec 24, 2015 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Call of Duty 12 - Black Ops 3

He still plays on PC. He even bought the BO3 because he thought the tools for modding were coming out soon, he would have held off if he knew they were not being released soon enough.

He can be found almost every Saturday night on Team Speak as many of us are still playing COD2 on Saturday nights...

With that being said we are still modifying our COD2 servers, it never stops. The other COD2 have come and gone, COD2 is still going strong. We always invite more to kill and be killed by on Saturday Nights...

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