CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!
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Author:  {uZa}Lonesome Eagle [ Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!


Author:  {uZa}mr. brightside [ Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!

Dang it, Bullet, how many times have we told you not to kiss the pigs?

Author:  {uZa}LoneStranger [ Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!

How many of you think this is the real deal, something new that nature has brought onto us OR is this man-made (government) to test what the effects it could do for something massive in the new future. Global Depopulation, FEMA Camps, Martial Law ete... Using the News Media to blind us on what is really going on in the dark.... Lets hear you're thoughts on it.

Myself personally I feel its nothing more worst then the regular flu you get in the winter season a.k.a. "The Flu Season" and the Media is tring to scare us with all the coverage on it but you never see it during the flu season and it has the governments or I should say the ELITE's hands all over it. From what I heard about a week ago I think I can't remember but there was some Vials stolen (i believe taken on purpose) out of an Army Base that causes a flu like symptom that attacks horses and humans. Suddenly there was what 21 horses dead from a virus not to long ago? Things just don't add up to me and I believe this is all a test to see what the effects can do to us and possible the Elite have more stronger stuff then this and they will use that against us for Depopulation, Quarantine, and then Martial Law. You can call me a loon, crazy, and a freak but it's just my opinion (they are like assholes everyone has em). I just don't trust the Media and the Elites.......

Author:  {uZa}Lonesome Eagle [ Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!

{uZa}LoneStranger wrote:
How many of you think this is the real deal, something new that nature has brought onto us OR is this man-made (government) to test what the effects it could do for something massive in the new future. Global Depopulation, FEMA Camps, Martial Law ete... Using the News Media to blind us on what is really going on in the dark.... Lets hear you're thoughts on it.

Myself personally I feel its nothing more worst then the regular flu you get in the winter season a.k.a. "The Flu Season" and the Media is tring to scare us with all the coverage on it but you never see it during the flu season and it has the governments or I should say the ELITE's hands all over it. From what I heard about a week ago I think I can't remember but there was some Vials stolen (i believe taken on purpose) out of an Army Base that causes a flu like symptom that attacks horses and humans. Suddenly there was what 21 horses dead from a virus not to long ago? Things just don't add up to me and I believe this is all a test to see what the effects can do to us and possible the Elite have more stronger stuff then this and they will use that against us for Depopulation, Quarantine, and then Martial Law. You can call me a loon, crazy, and a freak but it's just my opinion (they are like assholes everyone has em). I just don't trust the Media and the Elites.......

Watched "Brazil" and "1984" one too many times when you were a kid...

p.s. The horses died from a tainted vitamin supplement. The company that made the supplement has admitted they had a problem at their lab, and are now hiring lawyers to work on the 21 multi-million dollar lawsuits coming...

You shouldn't get your news from


Author:  {uZa}LoneStranger [ Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!

never heard of and never saw 1984/brazil. Heard about 1984 though.... ;)

Author:  {uZa}Lonesome Eagle [ Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!

{uZa}LoneStranger wrote:
never heard of and never saw 1984/brazil. Heard about 1984 though.... ;)


Author:  {uZa}Natasha_Fatale [ Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!


Author:  {uZa}Studdog [ Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!

{uZa}LoneStranger wrote:
How many of you think this is the real deal, something new that nature has brought onto us OR is this man-made (government) to test what the effects it could do for something massive in the new future. Global Depopulation, FEMA Camps, Martial Law ete... Using the News Media to blind us on what is really going on in the dark.... Lets hear you're thoughts on it. .......

I must admit I think the vast majority of our politicians are nothing more than a bunch of snakes and need to be booted from office. Yet I have a hard time imagining that our government is behind this. If it goes away or becomes an epidemic, either way I think it’s probably all natural. What I do expect is that if this really becomes a problem, then with the current mind set of politicians we will end up losing a lot more of our liberties. I am sure they will find a way to take away more of our freedoms, and make it sound as though they are doing us a favor. I don’t think they are causing the flu outbreak, but I could imagine they will run with it as far as they can. It could also be used to divert our attention from other crap they may be doing. There are several groups of politicians that think we need a lower population, but I think they will only impose this if they get enough powers (aka: Our loss of Freedoms). At the same time I do think some of them have lost all common sense and are very capable of doing evil acts to continue to grow their ideological world at almost any cost, but hopefully they aren’t.

As far as the media goes: The media always likes attention getting topics, even if they have to twist the facts. So it is hard to know how serious this is. Past experience shows that there really can be some serious flu epidemics, so we can't just ignore it as sensationalism. I think there has been a lot of discussion of a world-wide flu epidemic for several months now and as long as it attracts attention we will keep hearing of every possible new outbreak or new deadly strain.

I do think some news agencies are twisted and I will not use them at all anymore. That is NEVER AGAIN, unless they really had a change of agenda. Even with the ones I do use, I don’t take everything at face value. I think all news agencies have turned to using their own interpretation more than just reporting the facts. Due to this, I have chosen to stick with ones that have morals and conservative thoughts similar to my own, and the belief in Freedom from excess government control or Liberty as it was meant to be according to our Constitution.

Here’s where I prefer to get my news from:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
and sometimes:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I also get news from radio stations while driving: Local news from local radio stations, and political news from Rush Limbaugh.

Author:  {uZa}Renegade [ Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!

The cure.


Author:  {uZa}Studdog [ Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!

Obama secretly tested for swine flu after man he shook hands with in Mexico drops dead the next day.

Officials concerned because Obama's touch usually heals :lol:

Author:  {uza}hitechredneck [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: CDC discovers the origin of the new Swine Flu outbreak!

The statement was once made that "The day we have a black president will be the day that pigs fly."

We got stuck with Obama, and the swine flew.

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