Kidlandia - Kinda neat
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Author:  {uZa}Lonesome Eagle [ Sun May 03, 2009 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Kidlandia - Kinda neat

If you have kids, this is an interesting site. Check it out

Kidlandia lets parents and kids create maps of a fantasy land, where the child is King or Queen of their own eponymous fantasy kingdom such as “Leenatopia” or “Michaelland.” You can insert family members or friends names into the map, so other areas of the land incorporate family members’ names. The map also features whimsical characters from horned Uniquills and scowling Grumps to long-trunked Yuhoos on the map.

You can get huge print outs for hanging on the wall and such for $$, or keep it online, print it on your printer, for free.

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