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 Post subject: Random Thoughts, do you have any?
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:57 am 
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Does it seem strange that we allow chemicals to be used on crops to increase yields, but pay farmers our tax money to not farm all of their land?
Doesn’t the government also buy some of the yields just to keep prices where they think they should be?
Aren’t these chemicals harmful to us and our environment?
Aren’t these chemicals causing far more damage than letting farmers farm all of their land?
MY CONCLUSION: Only allow natural insecticides and fertilizers, let farmers farm as much of their land as they want, and let prices define themselves. Capitalism works when the government does not try to cripple it.

Is it possible that the ice caps have been melting for thousands of years?
In recorded history, the temps have gone up and down and may have been going up in the long term for a long time.
How can you believe in an ice age in the past and not think the world temps have been rising, or we would still be in an ice age?
If these ice caps haven’t been melting for thousands of years, then how do you explain the rise of the oceans, obviously the continental shelves use to be the shore line at one time.
How would you explain cities that are found under seas, doesn’t it sound a little like New Orleans, as the waters got high enough they finally breached the ridges and filled in quickly or simply filled in low areas that were already open to the sea shore.
MY CONCLUSION: The ice caps have been melting for about 4,000 years, the waters have been rising for just as long, and man is not responsible unless you account for man’s sin and God’s curse of the earth. Of course I have a biblical view on what the ice age was and when it was, but setting that aside and not agreeing with my time frame, the issue still stands to the same idea.

Wouldn’t the costs of health care take care of themselves if health insurance was made available like car insurance?
Employers shouldn’t be providing our health insurance; instead give employees the money spent on health care and let them buy their own.
If health insurance companies were made to compete with each other like car insurance or house insurance companies, they would be forced to compete for a profit but would find it difficult to make unrealistic profits.
If coverage cost was controlled by our own actions, similar to how car insurance cost is controlled by driving experience, tickets, accidents, ect.., then maybe those that inflict their own health issues would reconsider their ways.
It would then be an incentive for people to take care of themselves.
If you smoke, don’t be surprised when you get cancer, and don’t expect me to carry your financial burden.
The same could be said for those that don’t exercise or eat a crappy diet and it leads to obesity.
I believe in capitalism and individual freedoms.
I don’t think I am opposed to the government limiting monopolies and such, but not for government controlled ant-freedoms (aka: Socialism).
Grey area that I don’t have a strong stand on: Helping those that were born with mental and physical handicaps.
Maybe there should be government help for them.
MY CONCLUSION: Allow individuals to all have the same influence on health insurance costs by making health insurance based on individual choices. The companies will adjust their profits if they must compete for each individual. Maybe allow government coverage of the handicap, or increase tax incentives for those individuals that chose to give help for the handicap. I am a strong believer in helping others, but only when it is a choice. Personally my wife and I give 10 percent of our gross to our church and an additional 5 percent to whatever charity we want. So when I say I believe in giving, I do really mean it, again as long as it is choice. Also we need to hold people accountable for their own destructive health choices.

Many of the liberal humanists believe that the governments must control the human population and that it is currently 4 times bigger than the ideal population.
Why do these same individuals oppose death penalties?
What 3/4 of the world’s population do they want to kill and how if they don’t want to kill?
The vast majority of rapists and child molesters are repeaters; would we cut these crimes drastically by allowing the death penalty for these crimes?
Hard to repeat a crime if you are dead!
I realize no form of punishment will stop innocent individuals from being falsely accused, but I thought humanists believed that the final result will always out way the cost.
MY CONCLUSION: If everyone in the world would stand side by side, they could fit in a circle with a 22 mile diameter. If it’s too crowded where you are, then move. The death penalty for rape, child molesting, and murder should be enforced. Personally I would like to see more public executions, so as to defer crime. Besides, if you kill those that commit these horrible crimes and consider most are repeat offenders, then that would easily cut the crime rate for those crimes immediately. I believe that the scare of world population is just being used to encourage government expansion and possibly to support abortion.

What’s the deal with this big fear of people having the US flag?
Who is offended?
Aren’t we ALL Americans?
MY CONCLUSION: Fly it proud, fly it often. If you are not American and are offended, then feel free to go back home and enjoy your own flag. Also if you are offended, then you need to grow up and quit acting like a baby. Who in their right mind would go to a different country and not expect it to be a different country!

Why is there so much conflict concerning Illegal Immigrants?
A crime is a crime and is not determined by how many offenders there are!
If it is determined by the number of offenders, then police officers need to quit passing out speeding tickets and realize it’s not really a crime.
MY CONCLUSION: A crime is a crime and should always be punished. If you want to make it easier for immigrants to come to the USA, then that is a COMPLETELY different topic. Don’t pass laws and then try to act like they don’t exist.

Why does the government chase after issues like gun control and disguise them as being concerned about protecting the innocent from harm?
Why not look at the statistics and make a rational decision on what to pursue and what not to pursue?
MY CONCLUSION: There are several categories of innocent people being harmed that make guns a very small issue. Example: What is the number of deaths associated with alcohol compared to guns? Guns are an important part of a free and safe society, and I believe freedom is why some want to control guns.

Why are individuals that love their government being considered a domestic terrorist?
When the local tea parties happened, the government had many officers from several types of police force surround the Tea Party from a distance and take pictures of everyone in attendance.
A friend of mine approached a DNR officer that was taking pictures and asked him if he felt there was any danger here.
The officer replied that he would rather be here than outside a bar on a Friday night.
MY CONCLUSION: We really do have domestic terrorists. They are any and all of those that want to destroy the US Constitution, capitalism, and our freedoms. We need to continue to stand up to these idiots! The squeaky wheel gets oiled, so keep squeaking for as long as it takes! If the two current parties won’t listen, then let’s start voting for some new parties!

Why is there such a fear of allowing anything Christian because it might offend someone?
I’m offended that someone would find my Christianity offensive!
I’m offended that someone would find any religion offensive in a country of religious freedom!
This is a free country founded by and for Christians.
We have freedom of religion for all religions.
To think otherwise is un-American and very intolerant.
MY CONCLUSION: We have the right to any religious belief, if that offends you, then grow up you big baby! Do you really expect to have freedom of religion without religions? That would be called freedom from religions. This country was founded on Christian beliefs, by Christians, for Christians, and is still mainly made of Christians. So how could you not expect to see Christian things? Thank God our founding fathers believed in freedom of religion, or it would literally be forced upon you. I believe even the public schools were started as a way to teach people to read the bible. The bible was used as a main textbook for many generations. And look at all the religious things that are spoken of by our founding fathers in all their documents. One of the first things done by the federal government was to give money to Catholic missionaries for the Native Indians. You cannot look at our history and state that our founding fathers wanted the government to push religion out of everything. Separation of Church and State, (which is not even in the constitution), only exists to the extent that it is to keep government out of religion and not religious people out of government. In my not so humble opinion; Christians made the greatest country that has ever been, God Bless America! And look at what is happening to the country as God is taken out of everything. I have friends of many different religions and I get along great with them. It would be ridiculous for me to go to their house and be offended by their religious stuff. It would be just the same for me to go to a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or Jewish country and to be offended by their religion. I wouldn’t go to a Catholic, Baptist, or any other religious private High School football game and not expect to see their religion. I don’t expect to go to a public high school football game and not see people of many different religions.

Public schools, ouch, now there’s a sensitive topic!
Why do so many private schools run on much smaller budgets, and still their students can out test the public schools?
My daughter started going to a private schools in 8th grade.
The school is harder, but she says she is learning better than she did at public schools and ENJOYS it.
We have one local private school that has been out scoring all the local public schools for a very long time.
MY CONCLUSION: Get rid of public schools all together. Private schools will perform better at less cost, and be forced to get the best performance out of their students. With poor results, the school would be eliminated by a better school. Capitalism at its best! Look at universities they are open to public choice and this has forced them to be the best they can be to fight the competition. There would be different schools that charge different tuitions, but so what. Most of the better schools would cost more, but would probably still be less than what we pay now. Like I already stated, private schools are running on a tighter budget, but getting better results on the same state tests. Even many homeschoolers do better than public schools. I have mixed opinions on homeschoolers. I have known many that are outstanding individuals and citizens. But I have also known one family that has ruined their children by not putting any effort into their homeschooling. Shame on them! If that’s the mentality of the household, then the poor child may not have done any better in public school. It also explains why the family has made a permanent career of living off of the government. Very sad!

Why has the combustion engine basically not changed since its beginning?
With all the amazing advances in technology, why haven’t we come up with something far better?
MY CONCLUSION: I don’t know, but I want 500 mpg!

Why is it that the big fish always gets away?
I have hooked many huge fish, and have even gotten several of them to the shore, only to watch them get away as soon as I tried netting them.
MY CONCLUSION: God has a sense of humor!
Why has {uZa}1TerribleShot not gotten a mic yet?
I feel like Big Bird and his “imaginary” friend snuffaluffagus.
No really, {uZa}1TerribleShot does really exists, but you just can’t hear him.
MY CONCLUSION: He’s really a seven year old girl, and doesn’t want us to know it! :shock:

 Post subject: Re: Random Thoughts, do you have any?
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:21 pm 
Sexy Canadian
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Those are great Stoodog. :)

Here are just a couple of not so serious thoughts...

If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?

If my calculations are correct......SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN!


 Post subject: Re: Random Thoughts, do you have any?
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:15 pm 
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Those are hilarious CG! :lol:

 Post subject: Re: Random Thoughts, do you have any?
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:05 pm 
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My thoughts on your thoughts:

1. The government should not being paying anyone to NOT plant and grow crops. This is unconstitutional and only serves to keep prices artificially inflated. The farmers, through the free market, will make the wisest use of their land and grow what the people want.

2. Earth's weather is cyclical and ever-changing. It was before man, it was before the advent of the combustion engine, and it will be long after we are dust. Attempts to scare us into accepting government mandates to "control" these cycles is nothing more than an effort to try and control more of our lives and take away more of our freedoms.

3. What you said! :) I would hesitate to make government the first bastion of relief for those less fortunate than others, as doing so only empowers and emboldens the government to take on a greater role. The history of such programs is that they stop being a safety net and become a hammock. Family/friends, your local church, philanthropic organizations should all be looked at as solutions. If those can't come through then perhaps a "voluntary" contribution through your taxes could be looked at, but I am opposed to the government forcing us to be charitable.

4. Another way of looking at the duplicity exhibited by the left on this issue is the "open-border" policy they want the U.S. to adhere to. You know, no paperwork, no waiting, no guidelines; if you want to come to the U.S. just come on in. These same people constantly lament our "wasteful" use of our nation's resources. We cut down too many trees, use too much coal for power, etc., etc. Ok, so if we open the borders and let everyone in willy-nilly where are these people going to live? How will they be housed, feed, warmed?! Won't we have to use MORE resources for more people? WELL?! Which is it going to be? You can't have it both ways!

5. If you're offended by the American flag then maybe you're in the wrong country.

6. If you reward bad behavior you get more bad behavior.

7. It gets back to control. An unarmed citizenry is easier to subjugate.

8. That's why I'm running for Congress. :)

9. Tolerance works both ways.....well, unless you're a liberal.

10. The government doesn't like private schools because they cannot indoctrinate the students to grow up to be good little subjects. An educated populace, not technology, but history and government education, is difficult to fool and strip of their freedoms. However, if you've been taught throughout your public school career that the government is your nanny then you will always turn to that nanny when you stumble and fall. Self-responsibility is replaced by government dependence.

11. Because George Bush and his evil oil cartel don't want the competition. Actually there have been attempts at a better way of powering autos since the first Model-T came off the assembly line. I have heard the stories about major auto manufacturers stifling competition, and I'm sure there has been some of that, but the bottom line is that the internal-combustion engine works well and people keep buying them. When a new engine comes along that provides the power and mileage that people want I have to believe that it will find its place in the market.

12. Not a clue!

13. Hmmm, you may be on to something there. ;)

Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium!

I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery!


 Post subject: Re: Random Thoughts, do you have any?
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:52 pm 
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A quote I thought up today while brainstorming:

"Atheism is a whole religion in itself; It takes just as much faith to believe something came from absolutely nothing as it does to believe in a supreme and supernatural being who has created life from nothing."

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy or art; it has no survival value. Rather, it is one of those things that gives value to survival." -C.S. Lewis.

 Post subject: Re: Random Thoughts, do you have any?
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:05 am 
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Some people seem to relish in unhappiness. Then aren't you happy being unhappy?

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy or art; it has no survival value. Rather, it is one of those things that gives value to survival." -C.S. Lewis.

 Post subject: Re: Random Thoughts, do you have any?
 Post Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 2:10 pm 
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I was a single father of three children (newborn, 3 year old, and a 5 year old) for about five years.
I quickly learned that children do not like to share and would argue continually over toys.

My first instinct was to force them to share with comments like: You have not played with that toy for several months, but now that this child wants to play with it you want it. Just give it to them and stop fighting and share.

Then one day I was looking at my neighbor’s motorcycle and dreaming of having my own again.
I found myself thinking that it wasn’t right that my neighbor never rides that bike and if I had it I would ride it a lot and take care of it.
I thought what if I took it while he was gone, but returned it before he was back home, then we would be sharing it.
Just because my neighbor never rides his motorcycle doesn’t mean that I should be able to just go over there and take it, and if I did that would be stealing and not sharing.

Then I started to think about what I was teaching my children and realized I had it completely wrong.
I thought to myself, just because one of my children doesn’t play with something, doesn’t mean it does not have value to them.
Also sharing has to come from the heart and not be forced.
I felt really sad at what I had been teaching them. :cry:

I sat my children down and told them I was wrong.
If a toy belonged to one of them, then it was theirs and they can only share if it is something they want to do.
I told them sharing was a great thing to do, but if they did not want to share something that was okay too.
For a few months, when an argument came along about who gets to play with a toy, I had one quick solution: Yes, as the dad I already knew, but for their sake. I would ask who’s toy is it? Then I would look at the owner and ask do you want to share this. If the answer was no, then I would look at the other child and say: It is not right to take someone’s things without getting permission first.

This took a couple months, and eventually there was NEVER a fight over toys again.
Many times they shared and sometimes they did not want to, but the fighting stopped and true sharing was growing in their hearts.

MY CONCLUSION: I love to share and do share lots of things, but I do have things I do not want to share. I even have stuff from my childhood that has been sitting and collecting dust for 30 years. But they are very dear to my heart and I do not want them to be used. You cannot teach someone to share by demanding they share, but you can teach them to share if you lead by example. Also, when issues come up in the family, take the time to consider what is the right thing to do and not what is a quick way to stop the arguing.
Remember: Knowledge tells you when you have a booger, but wisdom tells you when to remove it! ;)

 Post subject: Re: Random Thoughts, do you have any?
 Post Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 5:36 pm 
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I had a funny thought thinking about work and school, and comparing the two in my eyes. I was thinking, "Man, school is cake compared to the real world; This place sucks." And I started thinking about what happens when you get caught with your cell phone at work and at school. At work, if you get caught, then it's like, "Crap... I got fired for having my phone out..." A week later, another job, and you say, "Well, that wasn't so bad. I got another job, and I got my phone... Cool.".

Whereas at school, when you have your phone out, you get it taken away from you... Now that just sucks. "My phone! That punk just took my phone from me!" Because that and a write up is pretty much it. You go back to class. You can't be kicked out of school for that, because it's a requirement for children. But I thought it was funny if one day, your teacher pulls you aside,

"Son, I need to talk to you in the hall" You follow and outside, the teacher and the principle are there, with several papers and the principle says, "Well, this isn't easy for me to say, son; So much history for you here.... But I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go."

I thought that was pretty funny, and random of course..... Yeah, I'm weird, I know.

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy or art; it has no survival value. Rather, it is one of those things that gives value to survival." -C.S. Lewis.

 Post subject: Re: Random Thoughts, do you have any?
 Post Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:06 pm 
Loves to Spam
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I will rant here about Melting of ice, not on Al gore or what ever him and his cronies say.

Wonders why when some one has never seen a glacier nor a icecap speaks about them like they are an expert, but most likely wont even bother to see one in their lifetime. But will continue to say, hell things happened in the past who cares now if they are gone.
Ive seen hundreds and hundreds of Glaciers, some that i will never see again here in the rockies, some due to the heating of the past 15 years. Our north(but who cares when you live in a No snow zone) is melting away and that is a fact, the North west passage will be open in a few years, first for that in recorded history. And is proving to be very difficult for our Natives in the north to travell and Hunt over the ice, when you rely on Sea ice to do your buiness then there is no ice, well it proves a problem. Its easiest to travel in the Canadian North in the Winter, proves much harder when the ice cant form properly.
I still dont understand why people in the Lower states tend to be the most steadfast against anyshort of change in weather, is it Denial or Blindsight?

Im still lol'ing at The daily show episode i saw last week where he played a clip from FOX news and a Anchor lady was saying, the climate talks in copenhagen, are a Conceeded International effort to lower the living standards of Americans.


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