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 Post subject: Enough
 Post Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 10:25 am 
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In the time I have been here I have truely enjoyed playing with you guys but lately with COD5 and the gayness that is the Rifle Propelled Grenades it has stopped being fun. Dont get me wrong, I can see the alure of nuking people at long range after watching the projectile fly across the map with a cool smoke trail. But the point blank stuff has got to go. All you have to do is turn on the friendly fire option on the server and this issue will go away. Its not the rifle nades that bother me its the point blank stuff that does.
If you feel I am off base here let me know.

 Post subject: Re: Enough
 Post Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 12:23 pm 
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{uza}recon_marine wrote:
In the time I have been here I have truely enjoyed playing with you guys but lately with COD5 and the gayness that is the Rifle Propelled Grenades it has stopped being fun. Dont get me wrong, I can see the alure of nuking people at long range after watching the projectile fly across the map with a cool smoke trail. But the point blank stuff has got to go. All you have to do is turn on the friendly fire option on the server and this issue will go away. Its not the rifle nades that bother me its the point blank stuff that does.
If you feel I am off base here let me know.

Not belittling your concern, but everyone has one or more things that just "drive them crazy" in Call of Duty. Over the years I have heard people say they just don't like the game anymore because of:

Bunny hopping
Laying down
Spawn killing
Melee killing
Mounted machine guns
Bouncing Betty
Bazooka / RPG

I have long since given up on making everyone happy. I had several people say "the game is getting stale, we need to mix up the game types" - so I did. The very next day I see comments in the logs from uZa folks saying "I just want to play TDM, what is this crap?"

My policy is that "if it's in the game and it ain't cheating" it stays. I have turned off only one thing, and that is "Dogs". I did this not because I or anyone else didn't like them (some did, some didn't) but because there is a bug with dogs and custom maps which brings the server to its knees. I won't turn off the RPGs as next it will be Bouncing Bettys, then mounted machine guns, then flamethrowers, then sniper rifles, and so on until it's a "pistols only" server.

Every weapon and tactic has a countermeasure. War is hell.

P.S. We have tried "friendly fire" in the past, and it was just about universally HATED. If I could selectively turn it on so that it only damaged the person firing an RPG at close range, I would. Not possible, and there are too many other parts of the game that friendly fire makes unpleasant for the majority.

I see no solution to this issue for you Recon. I'm sorry.


 Post subject: Re: Enough
 Post Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 3:30 pm 
Mucho Posto!
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Well stated Eagle, and I really like the mixture of gametypes.

Recon - I understand your frustration.
I find those very annoying, along with Bouncy Betty, Bazooka Joe, and I really hate friendly fires. :evil:
It's all part of the game and something that we have to live with.
Obviously someone really likes those things, or no one would use them.
Just remember there are always things that everyone does that gets on someone’s nerves.
When you are having a bad time, your friends are having a good time.
When you are having a good time, your friends are having a bad time.
That’s gaming!
I always play for the fun of it and the fellowship that we have on Ventrilo, but that’s what I like.
If I am getting spawn killed, sniped, grenade rifled, ect…, I just think of it as another challenge in skills to learn on fighting back.
Again that’s just me.
I hope after venting you feel a little better, if not you may want to pick up a different game.
And I don’t mean that to sound crappy, it’s just like Eagle stated: You can’t please everyone and it's part of this game.
Try your best to enjoy the fun and don't let the little things ruin your day.

I also hate the unlimited ammo in Zombies.
I feel it takes all the challege out of the game.
But if all my commrades want it on, I can live with it.
I'll even turn it on when I am hosting if that's what everyone wants.
I just figure that having fun has to be a mixture of sometimes what I like and sometimes what my friends like.

 Post subject: Re: Enough
 Post Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 5:41 pm 
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Thanks boys thats what I wanted needed to hear.

 Post subject: Re: Enough
 Post Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 7:55 pm 
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Whenever I get frustrated I just curse, drink a little, curse some more, drink a little more, then beat the wife and kick the dog. Then , just when I can't take it anymore, I get on COD5 and feel mighty fine getting naded, pooned, bettied,satcheled and all shot up by my firends. You are all my friends, but then so is my dog. NEVER ENOUGH.

 Post subject: Re: Enough
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:03 am 
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nades are lame



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