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 Post subject: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:48 pm 
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Thank You Lord for the time we had!

Tasha will be missed greatly! :cry:


 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:47 pm 
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Rest in peace, its hard loosing a dog, its inevitable with their time line. But it still doesn't change the fact that hurts when they have to leave. Hope she had a great life knowing some one loved her.


 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:40 pm 
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Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:20 pm
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Aww Stud, I am so sorry for your loss. As a dog lover myself, I know it is very hard to let go :( All the great memories and times you had together will never be taken away from you though!

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 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:57 pm 
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Sorry for your loss, Studdog. I said goodbye to my precious Kaycee in June. We had her for fifteen great years, and she will never be forgotten. I know the feeling of losing a dog, and it is not something you get over, rather just learn to live with.

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy or art; it has no survival value. Rather, it is one of those things that gives value to survival." -C.S. Lewis.

 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:09 pm 
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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss studdog,I often wish that I could be as great as my dog thought I was.



 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:04 pm 
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Thanks for all the kind words!

Tasha had issues with tumors, the health issues were getting a little worse the past couple of days and today it took a very drastic turn for the worse. Today she couldn’t walk without falling over, had a glassy eyed look about her and was struggling to breath. We made an emergency appointment with the vet and the diagnosis was that euthanasia was the best option. That is what we expected and we had it done. I have been crying all day and even harder since her passing. I am thankful that she was a part of our lives and will forever cherish every memory. I had dreamed of owning a Rotty named Tasha since I was a child, she was a one of a kind and as my first Rotty she will always be even more special. She was 150 pounds of love and joy. Luke, our other dog, sat quietly and watched her die, but when it was time to leave he kept stopping and looking back as though he was expecting her to follow. Though it hurts, my wife and I will always be thankful that the Lord gave us the time we had with her. We loved her greatly and she always knew it. Thanks again for all the kind words!

 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:43 am 
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So very sorry for your loss! It is awful to lose a part of the family , but know that you have given her a good life and you have wonderful memories to cherish in your heart .


 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:04 pm 
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All my best buddy.


 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:38 pm 
Sexy Canadian
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I am very sorry to hear about your family's loss. She was very lucky to be a part of your family and you all to be a part of her's. I know you will cherish all the wonderful memories that you spent with her.


 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:20 pm 
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Thanks everyone for the nice comments!

Today was another hard day. I had Monday and Tuesday off with my wife, then today was back to school. I am in and out for classes and the alone time routine today felt really wrong. Since she wasn't here to meet me at the door and get hugs every time I came back it made me feel really sad. I think I use to hug that dog dozens of times everyday. I miss the feeling of holding her and I cried several times today. I can't believe how much I miss her. It's just one of those things that will get a little better with time, but will always be there.

Even Luke is acting different. Our morning routine involved me giving them hugs and massages to get them out of bed. That actually started with Tasha since she was a little arthritic and stiff in the morning, it helped her get moving. After seeing that for a few weeks, Luke started staying in bed until I would do the same for him, so it has been almost a daily routine for the past few years. Then they would both get up and run and bounce all the way outside. This routine has also been different the past four days due to children being here for the weekend and my wife being home. But today put us back on the normal routine. This morning I got dressed and went over to Luke and gave him his hugs and massage, then got up to take him outside. Instead of his usual excitement and running to go outside, he walked over and sat on Tasha's bed. I tried calling to him and then he laid down on her bed and just looked very sad. He did something similar on Monday. We were down stairs and I called him over for some hugs, he got one hug and then ran away real fast. I have never known him to leave getting some attention and he doesn't usually run that fast in the house. So I followed him thinking it was odd and I found him upstairs on Tasha's bed and he stayed there for a long time.

He was always a go happy and loving dog. Now he is just really quiet and inactive. He still likes a little lovin, but he doesn't have the happiness that he used to have. So I guess he is missing her as much as we do. I know dogs are very social, so we are looking to get another dog. It might help Luke to not feel so lonely when he is home by himself.

 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:51 am 
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Hey, I remember when I was a kid, I was in grade three, coming home for lunch. My brother who is 6 years older would come home also and make me lunch, but my school was closer to home so i got there first. Our Kuvasz(" onclick=";return false; ) whos name was Champ(he died at 12 years) was dead in the middle of our living room. Lola(she passed away after 17.5 years). Lola Our chocolate lab was crying and freaking out i didn't know what happened, she was a the door crying and yelping so i ran in thinking where is champ, i don't think i have ever cried as much as that in my life. My brother finally arrived he had some soup and sandwiches from Subway, but he saw Champ and me and just started to cry, we called our parents, my mom was in a board meeting so we couldnt get a hold of her, but my dad rushed back home from his bakery. He raised that dog up from a puppy, i remember my dad picking him up to the truck with tears in his eyes, first time i had ever seen my dad cry. Champ had a brain tumor.

If you are a Dog person, they will mean more then anything then most people will understand, they are our best friends and they love us no matter what, more then we probably deserve.


 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:33 am 
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{uZa}Studdog, Teak and i are vary sorry for your loss

 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:08 am 
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Teak is an awesome looking dog!
What breed?

 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:28 am 
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American Staffordshire Terrier (Pit Bull)
but if you look at his colors more of an orange he is almost a sub breed Indicative to Delaware.
A guy had an add on Craigslist the rental unit told him he could not have him anymore picked him up for $30.00
I would have payed $500 easily. There is nothing i do he's not by my side 24/7.
Gave him The Nickname of Truckasaurus. I just love him to death.


He loves me to. I hope you get a dog soon.

 Post subject: Re: She will be missed!
 Post Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:25 am 
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I thought Teak looked like a Pit.
His colors are cool and $30 was a great deal! 8-)
We like Pitbulls.
We will be moving further into the country hopefully sometime next year.
When we do, we plan on having 4 or 5 dogs.
We will definitely get another Rotty and any of; Pitbull, Mastiff or Mountain Dog.

I found a dog that sounds like a great match for our family and Luke.
She is a 100+ pounds Lab mix.
Luke, our Rotty/Boxer Mix, weighs about 150 pounds, so they should be fine together.
This dog is described as sweet, gentle, playful, and easily trained.
She is great with children (which is good since we are currently adopting a sibling group of three; 1, 3 & 4 year olds).
She is the same age as Luke and good with dogs, and even has a docked tail (which I really like for big inside dogs).
I will be taking Luke to meet her early Saturday morning, if it goes well she will come home with us.
Hopefully she brings out the playful side in Luke.
Luke and Tasha got along great, but Tasha was limited on play due to some arthritis and shortness of breath due to tumors.
But she did love to play tug-a-war with him.
If this new dog comes home with us, I will be sure to post some pictures. :P

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