I know Im not gonna build this computer for prolly 6mths. But i was looking at parts and gonna continue to watch and buy'em as I find deals
1. What would be a decent porcessor. Should I go Intel or AMD and I was thinkin a quard core, but I started seeing 6 cores. I was leaning to Intel since Ive been looking on the internet and ive seen some videos of AMD's frying due to heat, which I'm hoping with the case I had selected (
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications ... =T925-1293) wouldnt be a problem. I also was thinking a i5 like tis one:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 819115067;2. and this motherboard:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 813128425;I'm lookin for somoething economical but good that in moths I wont be sorry what I got and will be able to play current games for a little while. I use my home computer for internet, gaming and copying new dvd's I purchase. Any suggestions would be of help since I'm not a computer guru by any means...lol