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 Post subject: Destiny... The next {uZa} Uniter?
 Post Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 11:27 pm 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!
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Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:35 pm
Posts: 741
So I've recently become very interested in Bungie's new game, Destiny. When I first heard of it, I thought it was a strict MMO, and wasn't interested, but as further information came out, it's become incredibly appealing.

Why did I title it the way it is? Well, this game attempts to merge just about every popular platform we like here at {uZa}. It has FPS, RPG, and MMO elements in it. From what I can see, it does well to appeal to anyone who likes Call of Duty, Battlefield, Borderlands, and mix it with MMO's. While it focuses more on FPS, everyone here is familiar with that, so it shouldn't be too hard for everyone to get into it, but RPG elements seem pretty strong in this, too.

The downside? Well... It's not for PC. But that fact may not be for long. I've looked up some interesting articles that say that Bungie is considering a PC version, and they are getting a lot of demands for a PC version. How they couldn't do a PC is beyond me. So I am pretty optimistic that in the future, it will be for PC. Even console players are pressuring Bungie make a PC version. Here is a nice information video on the game. It looks absolutely beautiful, and I think it may be a great opportunity for {uZa} to really get back together and have some fun virtual adventures together! :D

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