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 Post subject: Last of Us
 Post Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:02 pm 
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Something to watch out for. Of course, you can't make any real judgment on a game with only cinematic trailers, so we'll see. Either way, it's apparently PS3 only.

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy or art; it has no survival value. Rather, it is one of those things that gives value to survival." -C.S. Lewis.

 Post subject: Re: Last of Us
 Post Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:26 pm 
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Looked like some really cool cinematics! 8-)

And what kind of zombies are those? :shock:

They looked like something from the Black Pearl (Barbossa's Crew) or the Flying Dutchman! 8-)

 Post subject: Re: Last of Us
 Post Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:05 pm 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!
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Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:35 pm
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Not much info yet, but they do look interestingly unique. Only info so far, is that it's supposed to be a character-driven game of survival, which are two things I love in a game. But alas! It's a PS3 only, and I don't have that. :?

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy or art; it has no survival value. Rather, it is one of those things that gives value to survival." -C.S. Lewis.

 Post subject: Re: Last of Us
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:08 am 
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Too bad I have xbox :cry:

 Post subject: Re: Last of Us
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 5:59 pm 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!
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Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:35 pm
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Since there was no way I was going to buy a PS3 to play this game, I watched a commentary gameplay series on Youtube.

Based on that, I would say the story was very well done. I wish it had been longer, but it was still good. I didn't really like the ending, but at the same time, it was interesting. It also left open the door for a possible sequel. I liked that Ellie was not your typical teenage girl. She was no damsel, and throughout the story showed she can take care of herself.

In terms of game play, it was also well-done. However, while they took pride in their AI, which was good, it eventually becomes predictable and robotic. It was pretty linear, too. It gave you various options during situations to do things as you wished, but it was still, overall, one direction, which wasn't bad. It wasn't nearly as realistic as Naughty Dog said it would be. Along with the fact that Joel and Ellie could take plenty of bullet fire, they could virtually carry every single weapon in the game. A shotgun, three different kinds of pistols, an assault rifle, a hunting rifle, a bow and even a flamethrower, all at once.

I also didn't really like that there was not a big variety in enemies. There was really only the "runners" (general infected), two special infected (clickers and bloaters), then most the rest was bandits and survivors with either rifles, pistols, shotguns or melee weapons, but mostly ranged weapons, removing the immersion of scarce resources. Towards the end, you fight more military-like enemies, but they were no different than the bandits. Otherwise, there was no other kinds of enemies. No rabid dogs, or wildlife. There were no heavily-armored humans, no different kinds of infected.

There was also a lot of silly conveniences in the game. Ellie can't swim, and so Joel must help her cross areas filled with water. Every time this became a problem, there was literally a pallet for Ellie to stand on over the water. In the same sense, when they needed to reach a certain area unreachable by both Ellie and Joel, there was a ladder not far to use to get there.

All in all, a good game. I'd give it an 8/10. Good story, and while the ending was neat, I prefer happy endings, but that's just me. The game play was good, but the AI can eventually become predictable. As well, the variety in enemies was poor.

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy or art; it has no survival value. Rather, it is one of those things that gives value to survival." -C.S. Lewis.

 Post subject: Re: Last of Us
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:04 am 
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I liked the game alot, I really liked the random points when ellie sees somthing and starts talking about it. "I thought you had alot of food in your time why is she so skinny" looking at a model billboard. It was fun, but like brightside said not that many versions of enemy's to fight. If you got a PS3 id recommend it. Now looking forward to Beyond two souls, that's going to be great.


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