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 Post subject: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:24 pm 
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COD2 Server Updates Coming...

Extreme 3.0 Mod is about to be released. We are currently running Extreme 2.9.

3.0 is in alpha/beta testing right now with the developer PatmanSan. As soon as it is release, the new mod will be loaded up and customized! The new mod included fixing things that didn't work or crashed the game, and more options and capabilities.

Working towards eXtreme+ v3.0 FINAL, here is the alpha version.
Lots of renaming, regrouping, and reordering, so take a moment to get familiar with the new setup.


Added: perk weapon menu; adding 20 slots for weapon perks (specials.cfg; will disable jukebox).
Added: WMD can be linked to killing spree and quick kill ladder (wmdcontrol.cfg).
Added: account system (security.cfg).
Added: ex_bash_only_timelimit and ex_frag_fest_timelimit variables to override timelimit (weaponcontrol.cfg).
Added: procedure deleteAllSpawnPoints(spawnclass) to _ex_spawnpoints.gsc.
Added: buy from store with regular points (score), bonus points or cash points (ex_specials; specials.cfg).
Added: ENDMARKER-checking added to scriptdata cfg's to help debug configuration errors or mysterious crashes.
Added: cinematic-intro optional mod tools, including the original BluffTitler source.
Added: also using mp_global_intermission entity to detect map's height (in case all spawns are indoor).
Added: stock minefield min and max damage settings (weaponcontrol.cfg; ex_minefield_min, ex_minefield_max).
Added: device controller to handle effects, damage and close proximity explosion triggers (_ex_controller_devices.gsc).
Added: unified code for airplane and payload handling (using _ex_controller_airtraffic.gsc).
Added: overtime variable to decide what to do with the flag(s) (gametypes.cfg; ex_overtime_resetflag).
Added: variables for setting clock RGB color codes (gametypes.cfg; ex_clock_red, ex_clock_green, ex_clock_blue).
Added: weapon file minefield_mp for damage and kill logs.
Added: first in, first out for tripwires (weaponsontrol.cfg; level.ex_tripwire_fifo).
Added: playerHudAddText(), playerHudRemoveText() and playerHudTextUpdater() to _ex_controller_hud.gsc.


Changed: ready-up disabled automatically in designer mode.
Changed: renamed most files to group them together. Also moved custom files from maps\mp\gametypes to extreme.
Changed: cinematic intro has been replaced, and is now disabled by default (miscfeatures.cfg).
Changed: recoded drop-, target-, and impact handling for airstrikes, mortars and artillery.
Changed: all perks now get perk index through perk's callback functions.
Changed: minor adjustments to startUsingPerk/stopUsingPerk in some "keeptimer" perks.
Changed: moved knife projectile code (regular and perk) to _ex_projectiles_knife.gsc for better reload sync.
Changed: supernade perk not limited to 1 anymore (now ex_supernade can be 1 to 9; specials.cfg).
Changed: minor changes to Hitman game type code.
Changed: updated cvar distribution via _ex_controller_cvars.gsc.
Changed: split streak procedures from obituary code (_ex_stats_streaks.gsc).
Changed: split obituary and streak settings. Renamed several obituary related variables.
Changed: new WMD related variables for killing spree WMD and Kill Ladder WMD (monitoring.cfg).
Changed: lots of WMD-related general vars moved from ranksystem.cfg to wmdcontrol.cfg.
Changed: default for ex_rank_gunship_next set to 0 (gunship once; ranksystem.cfg).
Changed: split off WMD procs and functs to _ex_wmd.gsc, _ex_wmd_mortars, _ex_wmd_artillery.gsc, _ex_wmd_airstrike.gsc.
Changed: linked FPS monitor to event controller.
Changed: moved potato monitor (dummy weapons) from _ex_main to _ex_monitor_entities.gsc.
Changed: moved mod info code into _ex_main_messages.gsc (removed _ex_modinfo.gsc).
Changed: unfixing a turret will replace the mobile MG you're carrying already (causing drop or restore).
Changed: all devices and close proximity triggers now handled by device controller (_ex_controller_devices.gsc).
Changed: default for nade cap (ex_frag_cap and ex_smoke_cap) changed from 9 to 4.
Changed: report of entities cleanup revised.
Changed: reduced max for ambient airplanes, artillery, flares, and mortars (due to close proximity explosions).
Changed: moved code for ambient flares into _ex_ambient_skyeffects.gsc.
Changed: renamed vars level.ex_landmine_x to level.ex_landmines_x [+s] for consistency.
Changed: variables for laserdot coloring changed to accept only regular RGB color codes (weaponcontrol.cfg).
Changed: variables for arcade score coloring changed to accept only regular RGB color codes (gametypes.cfg).
Changed: variables for time limit coloring changed to accept only regular RGB color codes (gametypes.cfg).
Changed: time announcer color codes set to gradually change from peru brown via yellow to red.
Changed: flak points and damage will now be based on operator and operator's team, not the owner.
Changed: increased speed of mortars and artillery, both ambient and WMD.
Changed: replaced weapon files for tripwire_mp, landmine_mp, mortar_mp, artillery_mp and planebomb_mp.
Changed: cleaned up and reordered localized strings in landmines.str and tripwire.str.
Changed: variables for trips from ex_tweapon to ex_tripwire (weaponcontrol.cfg).
Changed: variables for trip limit from ex_tripwire_limit to ex_tripwire_max (weaponcontrol.cfg).
Changed: removed variable ex_tripwire_radius from weaponcontrol.cfg (obsolete).
Changed: variable ex_tripwire_warning works the same as ex_landmine_warning now (weaponcontrol.cfg).
Changed: variable ex_nademon_throwback_pickup min/max/def switched to inches for more precision (weaponcontrol.cfg).
Changed: finished account system menu and localized strings.
Changed: (alpha3) default for ex_nademon_throwback_indicator changed to 10.
Changed: (alpha3) increased damage radius for landmines and trips to 300.
Changed: (alpha3) throwback waypoint image split into red (out of range) and green (within range).


Fixed: default value for scr_ctfb_show_enemy_own_flag was enabled (1); not disabled (0) as it should be.
Fixed: several errors due to space in stock sound aliases (including corrected iw_battlechatter2.csv now).
Fixed: russian sound file and alias for "Guard Our Jail" (LIB).
Fixed: sound alias error "custom/prepare.mp3".
Fixed: removed "us_airstk_crsh_1" and "us_airstk_crsh_2" sound aliases (non existing sounds).
Fixed: four "US_mp_stm_enemydown" sound aliases in the "Battlechatter/US/bra" folder.
Fixed: local $levelbriefing error removed by adding $levelbriefing material.
Fixed: keep-timer flaw in supernade, knife and stealth perks.
Fixed: blood on screen not working (wrong operator when checking for hud elements).
Fixed: duplicate threads of turretThink() running when unfixed turret is planted.
Fixed: saved nade count adjusted when nades are stolen (FT).
Fixed: overtime only setting new timelimit for CTF.
Fixed: rare condition where ambient airplanes stopped working (missing notification).
Fixed: gas- and firenades as trip components will run their radius damage threads when triggered.
Fixed: runtime error in spank punishment (time variable missing).
Fixed: (alpha3) weapon mode override more robust; includes a fix for frag fest override.
Fixed: (alpha3) all spawnpoints are now kept (not removed by entity cleanup) if ex_designer_showall is enabled.
Fixed: (alpha3) FT wasn't listed in entity cleanup procedure to keep mp_tdm_spawn (ammocrates kept them in).
Fixed: (alpha3) script error in _ex_weapons_turrets.gsc when trying to plant MG.
Fixed: (alpha4) explosion sounds in minefield_reg and minefield_gas were swapped.
Fixed: (alpha4) overtime now handles players in spawn timer or spawn confirmation phase.
Fixed: (alpha4) overwriting radius parameter of getImpactPos/getImpactPosPlane could cause runtime errors.
Fixed: (alpha4) removed obsolete call to [[level.ex_bclear]] in _ex_stats_board.gsc.
Fixed: (alpha4) meatbot weapon conversion in _ex_player_obituary.gsc causing runtime errors.


Removed: _ex_knife.gsc (now handled by _ex_projectiles_knife.gsc).
Removed: _ex_modinfo.gsc (now handled by _ex_main_messages.gsc).
Removed: _ex_flares.gsc (now handled by _ex_ambient_skyeffects.gsc).
Removed: clan login (clancontrol.cfg); can be handled by account system.
Removed: FT weapon steal, except nades (renamed scr_ft_weaponsteal vars to scr_ft_nadesteal).
Removed: configuration profiles 1-4 (not the feature; just the profiles).
Removed: flamethrower tank explosion.
Removed: female model Diana optional mod and all code related to it.
Removed: (alpha3) _ex_player_parachute.gsc (now handled by _ex_player.gsc and _ex_main_utils.gsc).


eXtreme+ v3.0 ALPHA4 Setup: HERE
eXtreme+ v3.0 ALPHA4 Optional Modifications: HERE

Client IWD (e30.iwd) and optional mods for alpha4 are the same as those for alpha3! If running alpha3, you only have to update the server scripts.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 03:57:47 am by PatmanSan »

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 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:17 pm 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!

Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:20 pm
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Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
I posted this today in the Extreme 3.0 forums by PatmanSan who is the creator of the Extreme 3.0 mod.

I am not sure if this has been fixed or even alerted, and I have not had a chance to load the 3.0 Alpha to test it yet, but in 2.9, when playing Freeze Tag, if you are hit by napalm, you stay on fire for the rest of the round. Therefore it is hard to see through the flames after being unfrozen and while on fire, you are just an easy noticeable flaming target running around. The napalm should quit either when frozen or unfrozen, correct? The next round everyone starts off fine.

I'll update this once I receive a reply.

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 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:27 pm 
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A reply from PatmanSan himself:

Thanks for reporting. Fix has been added to fixpack (28).
Napalm damage is handled differently in 3.0, but I'm pretty sure it happens there too. I will check it out.

My Lymphoma Blog and Updates:

 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:28 pm 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!

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This is what I followed up with:

Good to know! Thanks for the update! Thanks for all the hard work on all of this as well! uZa is looking forward to your 3.0 final release. It takes time to get it done right, and that is greatly appreciated!

My Lymphoma Blog and Updates:

 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:54 pm 
Mucho Posto!
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If you want to see what is going on with the Extreme release yourself, you can visit:

It seems this time around he is having many many people provide input to come out with almost the perfect mod, maybe the last release, so that he doesn't have to keep releasing successive mods to fix issues that people bring up after a release as in his past releases.

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 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:10 pm 
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You are the man Craig, you represent us well.


 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:58 am 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!

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Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
My recent post in issues getting the 3.0 Mod setup and asking for help.

Maybe I am just missing something small, but who knows. I can't get the gunship to work or even appear. I have spent at least 3 or 4 hours on this so I decided its time to ask for help. I have it working in 2.9 with no issues, but the 3.0Alpha4 I just can't get it.

I have rebuilt the client side iwd twice and am including the optional gunship mod and meatbot mod for testing and nothing else on the second two rebuilds, and I am simply changing these lines to test things with meatbots. Even without meatbots I can't make the gunship just appear circling all the time in the sky (for testing purposes). No perks or any other optional mod has been implemented simply meatbots and gunship optional mods.

set ex_wmd "0"
set ex_gunship "1"
set ex_gunship_killspree "5"
set ex_gunship_visible "2"

Upon further testing and a small breakthrough tonight I can get the gunship working if I enable specials, but I can't get the gunship working by itself, which is what I want for one of my servers...

set ex_specials "1"

I mean I guess I could go disable all the specials one by one and leave the specials enabled to get the gunship to work by itself as a as stand-alone killing spree extension.

Not sure if this is by design or just a result of adding specials.

Any thoughts?

The developer of Extreme+ Mod PatmanSan himself responded:
Yep. That's a bug.
Edit extreme\_ex_varcache.gsc. Line 3041+3042:

// gunship mode 1, but killing spree turned off, switch off
if(level.ex_gunship == 1 && !level.ex_streak_wmdtype) level.ex_gunship = 0;

Make that:

// gunship mode 1, but killing spree turned off, switch off
if(level.ex_gunship == 1 && (level.ex_streak & 1) != 1) level.ex_gunship = 0;

Should fix the problem.

Sure enough it fixed the problem.

My response:
Thanks PatmanSan.

I can confirm that this does fix the issue. I have tested it now with no issues and the gunship works again as expected.

I made sure to turn off the specials when testing as well, and it still works.

Thank You!

My Lymphoma Blog and Updates:

 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:58 am 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!

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Just and update to this, it is in Extreme3.0 is in Alpha4.

If you want to check updates, and comments I have made, visit and join the forums here:

A video of the features added to Extreme3.0

The perks can be set so that it depends on points that you can purchase it, or they can be available to everyone all the time.

I'll probably make a server just for these specials aka perks which or add on weapon options to the game. Anti aircraft can now disrupt the gunship.

// "beartrap" : Bear Trap
// "monkey" : Monkey Bomb
// "bubble_big" : Bubble of Love
// "bubble_small" : Defense Bubble
// "flak" : Flak Vierling Anti-Aircraft
// "gml" : Guided Missile Launcher
// "gunship" : Gunship
// "heli" : Helicopter
// "insertion" : Tactical Insertion
// "knife" : Knife
// "maxammo" : Max Ammo
// "maxhealth" : Max Health
// "quad" : Quadrotor
// "sentrygun" : Sentry Gun
// "supernade" : Super Grenade
// "stealth" : Stealth Mode
// "cam" : Security Camera
// "uav" : Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
// "ugv" : Unmanned Ground Vehicle
// "vest" : Bullet Proof Vest
// "wallfire" : Surface Penetrating Bullets

// Max Health
// Gives the player's maximum health

// Max Ammo
// Refills the player's weapons, inclusing nades and landmines

// Knife
// Gives player a knife if not already carrying one
// Not available if playing knife-only class or if knife sidearm is enabled!

// Supernade
// Six grenades wired around a stick grenade.

// Bullet Proof Vest
// The bullet proof vest will absorb all damage to the torso area, absorb half
// the damage to a helmet, and a fifth of the damage to other body parts.
// Nades, a shot to the head and the flamethrower remain lethal!

// Bear Trap
// The bear trap will trap enemy players. It can kill them instantly, make them
// bleed to death, or release them after the time set by ex_beartrap_bleedtime.
// In team based games, a trapped player can be freed by teammates if they stand
// next to him and press the USE button.

// Monkey Bomb
// The monkey bomb is an animated cymbal monkey bomb. It looks like a toy, but
// it is lethal, as it explodes when enemies come too close. It will also explode
// when the timer runs out. The cymbal works as an early warning system for both
// attacker and enemy. The monkey will clap faster as the enemy comes closer, and
// will stop clapping if noone is near.

// Personal Defense Bubble (small)
// Small, spinning bubble, in which the owner is invulnerable. It does not
// protect other players, including teammates, unless they hide behind it. The
// owner has to lean out of the bubble to fire their weapons.

// Bubble of Love (big)
// Large, spinning bubble, in which the owner and teammates are invulnerable.
// It will give them some TLC by restoring health automatically. Players have to
// lean out of the bubble to fire their weapons.

// Stealth Mode
// Stealth mode allows a player to be almost invisible while maintaining a
// crouched position. Within the time defined by the stealth timer setting, the
// player can toggle stealth mode by switching stance from standing to crouch or
// prone, and vice versa. Regular weapons will be temporarily disabled while in
// stealth mode. A slash-only stealth knife replacement can be enabled below.
// Standing up will release the regular weapons, but will also make the player
// visible until returning to the crouch or prone.

// Tactical Insertion
// Lets a player mark a position on the map for subsequent respawns until the
// timer runs out

// Surface Penetrating Bullets
// Lets a player fire through allowed surfaces, like walls and fences, until the
// timer runs out. Be warned: this feature can lead to hackusations. Make sure
// to advertise this feature loud and clearly, so all players know it's a perk,
// and not a hack!

// Flak Vierling Anti-Aircraft Gun
// Flak with four barrels. Mainly for anti-aircraft

// Guided Missile Launcher
// A fixed position missile launcher with a maximum of 21 missiles.

// Security Camera
// Show enemy players within camera's field of view on the compass
// In contrast to the other perks, the security cam has to be deployed by using
// the binoculars to select a target, and pressing USE to confirm.

// Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
// Show enemy players within range (360 degrees around player) on the compass
// WARNING #1: UAV will be disabled automatically when statshud is enabled!
// WARNING #2: make sure to limit the number of UAV deployments, as this perk
// puts a substantial load on the server! If you run a high traffic server, you
// might want to consider NOT enabling this perk altogether. If not in private
// mode, the UAV will be disabled if more than 32 players are in the server. In
// private mode the UAV will be limited to max 8 automatically!

// Sentry Gun
// An extremely deadly, fixed position, auto-aiming machine gun

// UGV
// The UGV is an Unmanned Ground Vehicle, with a double barrel sentry mounted on
// top (also known as Sentry Bot). After spawning the perk into the map, it will
// move around the map automatically, looking for enemies who cross it's path.
// WARNING: the UGV is able to detect and avoid the playfield's edges if is
// surrounded by walls, solid fences, steep hills or minefields. It can't detect
// invisible clips (the invisible stuff that stops players)!

// Quadrotor Sentry Guard

// Gunship

// Helicopter Support

My Lymphoma Blog and Updates:

 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:14 pm 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!
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Looks very interesting! 8-)

 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:45 am 
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sounds like a man crush to me 8-)


 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:53 pm 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!

Joined: Sat Jun 12, 2010 10:54 pm
Posts: 527
if that's a man crush, sign baker up


 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:35 pm 
Loves to Spam
Loves to Spam

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Long time no see folks, haven't played with everyone in a long time. How many do we usually get on Saturdays?
This MOD sounds pretty cool


 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:03 pm 
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Mucho Posto!
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{uZa}Capt.CaNaDa wrote:
....... How many do we usually get on Saturdays? .......

On a good night, I think about 14 or 16 {uZa}Members, a few regular non-members and occasional random strangers.

Stop in any time, we always have room for another.

 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 7:54 pm 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!

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// Total Stats, skill based auto-assign and skill based auto-balance
// Keep track of player's total playing time, points, kills and deaths
// 0 = disabled (default)
// 1 = enabled
//set ex_statstotal "0"

// Skill based balancing
// Take skill levels into consideration when auto-assigning and balancing teams.
// In order to collect reliable stats for skill based balancing, it's advised
// to enable ex_statstotal above for some time (depending on server traffic)
// prior to enabling the ex_statstotal_balance feature!
// It's also recommended to enable forced auto-assign in playercontrol.cfg. This
// way, teams will be balanced based on the average skill level when players
// join, minimizing skill based auto-balancing later on.
// WARNING #1: main switch for team balancing needs to be enabled (see
// scr_teambalance in serversettings.cfg).
// WARNING #2: clan exclusion is not available in skill based balancing!
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enabled
//set ex_statstotal_balance "0"

My Lymphoma Blog and Updates:

 Post subject: Re: COD2 Extreme 3.0 Mod in Final Compilation
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:52 pm 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!

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Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Here is an answer to that long term napalm effect: I am going to have to look through the code in that file and see if I can change the area of the napalm as well or ask PatmanSan for some assistance in editing his mod.

I posted:

When deploying NAPALM, it deploys as it should, smoke, fire, damage, killing, etc.

However, it seems that the NAPALM Radius hits an area much larger than the area defined by the smoke and fire, almost an additional 25-50 feet away. Also after the fire has gone away, then for an additional 5 - 10 seconds, if you run towards the area where the fire was, you run into the invisible fire about 25-50 feet away and set on fire.

PatmanSan replied:

Yep. The main napalm effect has a shorter lifespan (6 sec) than the associated damage thread (15 sec). The damage thread runs longer to account for the smoldering fire effects.
You can adjust the lifespan of the damage thread by editing extreme\_ex_player_wmd.gsc, and changing the burntime variable from 15 to 8 or 10 seconds for example.

callbackNapalmDamage(dev_index, device_info, parentdev_index)
   level endon("ex_gameover");

   burntime = 15;

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