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 Post subject: Saturday Nights?
 Post Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:56 pm 
Mucho Posto!
Mucho Posto!

Joined: Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:20 pm
Posts: 531
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
I think I will get maybe a handful of replies if I am lucky....

However, what are you doing on Saturday Nights? :roll:

We have been down to 4 of us, :shock: yes 4 of us, for the past year, still playing Call of Duty 2. Every now and then we get people from the outside jumping on, usually redirected from the Bot server, and if we are lucky they play a few rounds. We were so excited this past weekend, when we had 6, ha, what a sad number, when we used to have 12 - 15 even 18 to a team...

I know for me, and maybe Koman, its the one night of the week that we actually do any gaming, and squeeze in maybe 3 or 4 hours, so we would never miss it, I mean unless Koman is drunk on Bourbon Street ;) , at least that was his last excuse, we are always there...

Everyone is just having life is getting in the way, but its one night a week, even if its one or two nights a month for you, come on, say hi. We have a few people that come and chat in Team Speak, that don't play. Yes, the game is old, but doesn't require a super computer, easy on the eyes, with simplistic controls, and still just fun, or just fun for the 4 of us that remain...

I mean I guess with Barb Bush's hacks and plausible deniability, and bushes, he says he can see through bushes :twisted: , we would have more players, or we would just have 3.

Kilzall will raise a glass and drink one for you if you show up! 8-)

I don't know where you'll be, but I know, Barb Bush, Cpt Kilzall, Koman, and I will be killing each other. :P

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