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 Post subject: Cell Phones
 Post Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:50 am 
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Ok this may not be the place to post this question BUT I could not find anywhere else to put this and cell phones are really small puters... sort of.

Currently I have a BlackBerry 9530 storm piece of crap on the verizon network, it was free so I took it. Bad choice I now know. My question is:

If I get a BB curve can I take the sim card out of the 9530 and put it into the curve and make it work?

I see unlocked curves for sale on the web for $200-300. Freakin verizon wanted $430 for one- not unlocked! :x

Sorry if this is off topic. :oops:


 Post subject: Re: Cell Phones
 Post Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:49 am 
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i recently got my BB Curve for $50 thru my provider....most carriers are having specials on them for that price or buy one get one free.....

 Post subject: Re: Cell Phones
 Post Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:23 am 
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I'm sure he's under contract Bullet.

Most unlocked devices are for GPRS networks like AT&T, etc. but if it specifically mentions Verizon as one of the providers it's unlocked for then it should work.

Quite frankly, I thought Verizon had completely done away from SIMs but I might be thinking of something else. I'm actually a Blackberry Administrator here, but we're avout 95% AT&T so I'm not near as knowledgeable about other providers.

And yes, those Storm's are TERRIBLE. :(

The artist formerly known as FreakOfNature/sCaryDeth

 Post subject: Re: Cell Phones
 Post Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:46 am 
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That's guys for the skinny, the nice new toys look good until U use them! :roll: I thought they had also but it does mention it in the so-call manual written in chinglish (Chinese/English)! :shock: Unfortunately I am still under contract. :x


 Post subject: Re: Cell Phones
 Post Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:16 am 
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One more question: does the phone store my phone number, contacts and other stuff on the sim card? Do U have to program your number into the new phone or does the sim card do that? Sorry for the dumb questions! :oops:


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