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 Post subject: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 9:42 pm 
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My video card went bad and I sent it back to the manufacturer, it is under full warranty.
After testing they concluded it was bad and want to replace it for free, but I don’t think the card they are giving me is equal.
I told them to wait and let me think about it and get back to them.

What do you think?

MY CARD: 9800 GX2
CLk(MHz): 600
BUS: 512
RAM: 1024MB DDR3
SHADER CLk: 1500 MHz
HDMI: Yes, and this is connection I use.

CLk(MHz): 633
BUS: 448
SPEED: 2.26GHz
SHADER CLk: 1404 MHz
HDMI: NO, and with a converter I will lose the audio, and the quality from Blue Ray DVD player due to loss of HDCP. When you lose HDCP the Blue Ray DVD player will automatically down grade the video quality, so the card is causing lower quality video indirectly.

Personally I think they should give me my original or this card: GTX 295
CLk(MHz): 576
BUS: 896
RAM: 1792MB DDR3
SPEED: 2.016GHz
SHADER CLk: 1242 MHz
HDMI: Yes, and this is connection I want to use.

I don’t want to lose the HDMI quality from Blue Ray DVD’s.
I don’t want to lose the audio signal from HDMI, I use my sound card for headphones which means I will have to share the connection.
I have a hard time believing dual processors will be beaten by a single core that is only a fraction faster.
The 9800 was able to hold a constant 333 FPS at 1920 x 1200 resolution on CoD2, CoD4, and CoD5 with no problem and all at the highest quality settings, but what can I expect from the GTX 275?
I am currently using an 8800 and think it is crap compared to the 9800.
I was EXTREMELY pleased with the 9800 and don’t want to get something of lower quality.
The 9800 ran absolute circles around my previous SLI set-up.
I will never use SLI again unless I went with QUAD SLI, which would be nice.

Please share your thoughts so I can put together my response to the manufacturer.

 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:15 pm 
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I don't know if you already know about this site, but it has a lot of good links and comparisons. While it's always difficult to compare actual hardware of older and new tech, this site helps. Actual throughput would put you closer to the 280, and not the 295. The 295 would definitely be and upgrade, and I agree the 275 would be a downgrade. You would have to read reviews that are linked on the site to get more real world comparison. Hope this helps.


 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:37 pm 
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I agree with Spinner... Also, since they admit that their card is shot, they need to replace it with exactly what you had, even if that technically means you are getting a free upgrade... Don't settle for less, that's just bad business on their part...


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 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:38 am 
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{uza}hitechredneck wrote:
I agree with Spinner... Also, since they admit that their card is shot, they need to replace it with exactly what you had, even if that technically means you are getting a free upgrade... Don't settle for less, that's just bad business on their part...

I understand where you are coming from but, the 9800 Gx2 is OEL and if it is EVGA they do not have any stock left... performance wise the 275 is on par with the 9800 Gx2.. I realize it is a dual GPU card but, they never really worked as well as the new gen dual GPU cards and I believe that offer is pretty good imo... But hey ultimately the choice is yours....


 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:37 pm 
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Well, my Nvidia GeForce8800GT is going kaput. Started Friday with my COD5 freezing in mid-game as if I had just taken a snapshot of the screen. Could not even Ctrl-Alt-Del to get out. Got some help from Clan mates (turning up fan speed, etc.), but that did not work either. The housing of the video card is hot as hell to the touch. I have no doubt that it will soon crap out so I'm in the market for a new video card. What does our brain trust recommend? I want to get a really good card to run my games and would also like to know where I can get the best deal.

Thanks for your help, guys!


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 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:53 pm 
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Nvidia Chipset is a must in my humble opinion!
Go with:
GTX 260
GTX 275
GTX 285
GTX 295

Just depends on how much you want to spend.

I use XFX brand of cards and have been happy with them.
Even though my 9800 GX2 went out, XFX replaced it for free with a GTX 285.
I can easily hold a 333 fps with this card, and it runs cooler than the 9800 GX2 did, so I am happy.
I have been using XFX for a while and this was the second card I had go out.
Both times it was replaced for free and quickly.
Took me longer to get it sent out than it did to get the replacement and that was with holidays in their way too.

BFG is another good brand and I think they also have lifetime warranties.

Try or, both are good prices.

 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:25 pm 
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Cards do get very hot. I think the cut off temperature on mine is something like 110c. I still think. if it is just COD 5 causing you problems it is probably a mod you downloaded clashing. I would try reinstalling the game and clearing everything out. As for card recommendations I am sticking with my 2x 8800 they still play everything you can throw at them. I am awaiting to see what Nvidia releases with DX11 support.


 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:50 pm 
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I guess I should have been more specific in my description, Ren. I am also having the same problem with COD2 now. Starts out ok, but then the picture starts glitching and then it freezes, just like COD5 did. The card really is so hot that it hurts to touch it. When I turn the fan speed up that seems to help cool it down a bit, but I have to set it every time I boot as the setting will not hold after the computer is turned off. If you don't think it is the videocard what else might it be? I would rather not spend any more money than I have to.

By the way, do I understand that you have two videocards in your computer? How does that work? As you can only plug the monitor into one card I assume there is some connection between the two. How difficult would it be for a novice like me to set something like that up?

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 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:23 am 
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If the fan is going on the card then that can be replaced. You can download tools from Nvidia to mess with the fan settings. I have 2 overclocked BFG 8800gt cards my motherboard is SLI capable. 2 card slots with a card in each and a simple clip on bridge joins them together. Monitor just connects to the top card. Just Google and have a read up on SLI


 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:44 am 
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I would personally go with nVidia as well. I would however buy EVGA brand myself. make sure when you buy from EVGA the card product number ends in AR and register it within 30 days this way the card has a lifetime warranty.. EVGA has the best customer service of any motherboard/GPU company. They are also the only company that is based out of the U.S.A. I am also a regular on their forums (the best forums imho). XFX also provides what they call a "Double Lifetime" warranty. this means you can transfer warranty to a second owner. In your case tho you probably will never sell the card. XFX also has terrible customer service in my opinion. Granted they will honor their warranties they just are nowhere near as personable as EVGA. In my opinion that says a lot about them!! Also if your not afraid to buy used EVGA has a great for sale section. The people that sell there are very honest and are willing to help with any RMA issues that my arise. As a final note if you could hold off on a new card for two more months Fermi (A.K.A. the new series of nVidia GTX300) will be out and prices for GTX260s and GTX285 will drop like a rock.


 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 6:02 pm 
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Thanks, guys, a lot to think about, but very helpful.

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 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:55 am 
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Ok, thanks for all the input and suggestions, guys. It's good to know I have knowledgeable people I can turn to for help with such matters. Just FYI I was on vent with a couple of members last night and we looked at several options for a replacement. This is what I purchased:


EVGA GeForce GT 220

1GB 128-bit DDR3

It was determined that my computer being a Dell Vostro 400, that the power supply was limited to what it could support. Thus, we chose this card as a logical, capable replacement. It should arrive today and I'll be up and running tonight.

Thanks again! b08

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 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:32 pm 
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The new driver you installed the other night is also what is used with your new card. So all will be well.


 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:18 pm 
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{uZa}Renegade wrote:
The new driver you installed the other night is also what is used with your new card. So all will be well.

Cool! One less thing to worry about. x13

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 Post subject: Re: Video Card comments wanted.
 Post Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:39 pm 
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So you think the 8800 was too powerful for your PC ? Needed too much power.


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